Chapter 6

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A female was lying down on the moss bed completely naked. I gulped at the violation she was committing. This female was really lucky Jaxton and I weren’t mated.

If we had been mates I might have lost control of my instincts and tried to kill her for the threat she could pose to our bond. Even without the mate bond in place, I’m still feeling a little murderous. I’m normally calmer, but this chick was on thin ice. I like Jaxton...a lot more than I should.

A hand touched my back and I jumped, turning as I did, a snarl in my throat that died as soon as I saw Jaxton’s pale hazel eyes. He raised an eyebrow to me and I held a finger to my lips, jerking my head towards the den. His eyes narrowed and he peered over my shoulder trying to look inside. A low growl escaped me and I shoved him back.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jaxton growled his eyes shifting into his wolf’s, a dark green color that reminded me of leaves in the spring.

“You’re a fucking beta?!” I yelled shocked.

All ranks got an eye color depending on their station. Betas got different shades of green the darker it is the more dominant they are. Alphas got red, gammas got yellow, and rare omegas got light blue. For an omega the lighter the eye color the stronger they were. Regular pack wolves’ eye color didn’t change.

“Yeah, I am so what?” he glared at me, “Now tell me, why the hell won't you let me in there Adalyn?”

Just then the very naked female walked out of the den her eyes wide and fear inside them. Jaxton let out a growl pressing up against my back. The girl’s eyes narrowed, I watched as she gathered herself, walking over to us, her naked body way too close to me. Jaxton’s snarls only increased in ferocity. I could feel his anger increasing when he realized what she must’ve come here to do.

“Leave,” Jaxton’s voice was rough as he fought for control, “Now!”

“But Jaxton,” the girl whimpered, shuffling her feet, “Seth said you were gonna pick me in the Ring. All I had to do was find you.”

“He lied,” Jaxton snarled, almost shaking with rage, “Go before I make you!”

The female had tears in her eyes as she turned and took off. Her long legs pumping and I could hear her sobs as she tried not to trip. I turned to the male behind me and he looked into my eyes, worry creasing his brow. I stared up into his eyes and shrugged. I didn’t think he had actually wanted that girl if his anger was any indicator.

“Chill out handsome,” I gave him a hug and he just kept staring, “So did you get any food?”

He nodded and picked up the dead rabbit he must've dropped. I looked at it and shrugged. Too bad we have to eat Thumper for lunch, but it's better than Bambi right?

“I’ll get the fire started,” I looked at him studying his expression, “Are you okay, Jaxton?”

“I’m fine it’s just,” He paused staring at me, “Why didn’t you care that she said all that stuff? I mean it’s cool that you’re okay, but I can’t help thinking of you as mine, and when you didn’t really react…”

“You felt like I don’t want you the way you want me?” I guessed curious as to how this massive handsome man could be so insecure.

“Well… yeah.”

“You were so upset that I figured you must’ve really not wanted her or just really wanted me.”

“I do really want you Adalyn.” He smiled softly at me.

I grinned back at him before turning to grab the wood I had dropped near the side of the cave. I winced when one of them poked the cut on my hand. I quickly went about making a fire, grabbing some rocks to place around it before it was lit. I looked over to see what Jaxton was up to.

The strong male stood up from his crouching position. I admired the flexing muscles in his back. I don’t think I could ever get tired of looking at a body like that. I sat a yard or two away from the fire and grabbed the three large sticks I had deemed worthy of cooking with. I looked at them for a minute before deciding to balance them on the rocks surrounding the fire.

Jaxton walked over to me and placed the headless rabbit onto the sticks I had laid out. The male looked me over before looking at the soon to be setting sun. Just 6 more days after today, I need to tell Jaxton my decision. I knew he’d protect me even if I said no, but all males were volunteers for some reason they couldn’t pass up the chance for a free female. He was here because he wanted a mate, or had to have one…

“Jaxton?” I glanced up looking at him in his beautiful hazel eyes, “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course princess.” He raised his eyebrow, “Unless it’s about that girl. I’ll talk about that at a later time, right now I’m still too angry to get into it.”

“Okay, well it’s not about’s about you. Did you want to be here? Or did you have to?”

“Honestly?” I nodded at him needing to know. “Okay, I was forced to volunteer to keep my position as Beta to the Druid pack. I need a mate by my 23rd birthday in a few months. This was the easiest option and probably why Seth sent that girl. Don’t get to thinking that I’m only with you to keep my rank though. There is something about you that sets my blood on fire. I want you in a way I’ve never wanted anything before. I crave you. I’ve only known you for a few days and I can’t get you off my mind. My instincts are telling me to claim you and make you mine, but I’ll be damned if I take that decision away from you.” Jaxton took a deep breath and rubbed his hand over his face.

“Why me though?” I looked away from his intense eyes and looked at the fire. “I’m nothing special. I’ve only had two guys be interested in me and you’re the second. I’m annoying and never know when to stop talking, and when plans don’t work the way they should’ve I stop and pout for hours.”

Jaxton chuckled at me shaking his head, “I like you. You’re entertaining and you make me laugh more than anyone else. You make me happy and that isn’t easy. I wanna cuddle and make you feel special and wanted.”


“Okay what, princess?”

“Okay claim me. You’ve waited longer than any other male would in the Ring and you let it be my choice. Besides, I want you in a way I’ve never wanted anyone.”

Jaxton grinned at me, his smile beaming, happiness written all over his face. I smiled before looking back at the now very crispy rabbit. I grabbed one of its legs and flipped it to the other side. It was normal in the Ring for males to find a female and force themselves on her, trying to claim her before another stronger male takes her for himself.

Omegas were few and far between, so when an omega female was in the Ring, males went crazy for her. When an omega was found, packs from just about everywhere wanted them. Omegas are different from other ranking pack members. They can do something that no one else can do.  They can calm down a male or female of any pack and any rank.

Blessed with a gift from the goddess herself to an abused pack member who just wanted to stop hurting. The ability to soothe bruised egos and create peace between packs. An Omega was the most valued part of the pack, most becoming advisors to their Alpha or becoming an emissary to help create a lasting relationship.

    Omegas are submissive, but highly respected. To harm an omega is the same as sentencing yourself to death. There is only one way to become an omega. You have to have the bloodline from the abused male the goddess herself blessed, and you have to have gone through some type of abuse. Scholars say it's so they know what it feels like to have someone abuse their power against the weak.

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