Chapter 25

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It was too soon though… too soon to let him have all of me. No matter how much I wanted it. I needed to make sure he was the one, I didn’t want to be trapped again. I can’t let him claim me and then have him change completely in a few months.

Plus if he claimed me now I wouldn’t be able to leave here for at least a week. The bond would demand us to stay together and Jaxton would feel the brunt of that. It would be hard for him to let me out of his sight without becoming… uh upset.

I wrapped my free arm around him, closing my eyes and willing myself to sleep. I heard Jaxton start snoring loudly and everything started feeling heavy, exhaustion crashing over me.

Knocking on the door downstairs woke me, my hands rubbing my eyes as I tried to wake up. The knocking increased and I got out of bed, carefully removing Jaxton’s arm from me and leaving the room quietly. Apparently my male is a heavy sleeper.

I opened the door and saw the same female from last night at the house, her hand still raised to knock again. She must be only a year or two younger than I am. I wonder what my life would’ve been like if I hadn’t met Matthias.

“Hi,” The pink haired girl said, “I’m Lorrena… This is Beta Jaxton’s house right?”

“Yeah,” I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, “I’m Adalyn, do you need me to go get Jax?”

“You’re Adalyn? Wow you’re a lot prettier than they were saying. Oh sorry that was rude, just I heard some girls talking about Beta Jaxton having a new female, but he didn’t want to claim her. Is that you?”

“Uh yeah that’s me… but Jaxton does want to claim me, we just wanted to be able to court each other like normal. We met in the Ring so there wasn’t a lot of time to get to know each other.”

“Oh okay.” Lorrena seemed disappointed by the lack of drama in my version of the story, “Well I have the groceries Jaxton ordered, could you help me bring them inside? Or can you not because of the baby?”

“Baby?” I tilted my head, oh shit those bitches were talking about me being pregnant, “I’m not pregnant, the only baby I have is when I eat too much.”

Lorrena blushed and nodded heading towards her car and popping open the trunk. Wow, that's a lot of food for only two wolves. I helped her carry all the bags into the house and waved to her when she left. The bitch.

I put everything away after exploring the kitchen for a little bit. I found a huge walk in pantry that I remembered Jaxton getting the flour out of. It took me about half an hour to put everything away and by the time I was done my stomach was growling.

I pulled out eggs, mushrooms, cheese, spinach and milk. Then I got to work. I made two omelets for Jaxton and I humming as I did so. I ran upstairs to grab my phone and blanched when I saw all of the missed calls and texts. Ughh that’ll be a problem for another time right now I was hungry.

I  went back downstairs and started playing Hello, I love you by the Doors. I danced around wiggling my butt as I started cooking some bacon. Singing along to the song I spun around coming face to face with a smiling Jaxton his hands coming around to grab my thighs.

He lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, giggling at him. I kissed his cheeks and rubbed my face against his beard, marking him with more of my scent. Jaxton pulled back and kissed me softly. His lips were soft and warm, they fit perfectly with mine. I wondered again if the goddess had made him for me.

Jaxton pulled back slowly, leaving me with my lips slightly parted and breathless. Damn this male was talented. Where else would his talented lips be useful? Maybe on a straw, or on my-

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