Chapter 6

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"Mirae's-ssi are you okay?" jieun asked using her soft and soothing voice

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"Mirae's-ssi are you okay?" jieun asked using her soft and soothing voice. Mirae snap her head towards her direction cracking a small smile.

Jieun stared at her before hesitantly reaching out to her hands. She held it, giving it a tight squeeze.

"is something bothering you?" jieun inquired, his doe eyes staring directly at mirae's slanted ones.

Mirae chuckled removing her hands from her, squeezing Jieun's hand in return to reassure her she's fine.

"I'm fine, i just have a lot of things to think of" she mumbled before taking the spoon in the table. She took a sip at the soup before humming, nodding her head in approval.

"Mirae-ssi if you have a problem, you can tell us" Rowoon muttered giving Mirae a soft smile. Mirae nodded her head cracking a thankful smile before tracing her gaze to the food served in front of her.

She wasn't exactly hungry but she's too shy to reject rowoon and Jieun's offer to eat so she's forcing herself to take food even when her stomach is not taking it.

"I'm fine... really" she breathe out trying to convince Jieun and Rowoon just like how she's convincing herself that she's okay.

The memory of her unexpected interaction with the CEO keeps on replaying in her mind. The warmth he radiated lingered in her body making her feel like he's still near her hugging her, comforting her when in reality he's not.

After the warm embrace, the CEO gave Mirae a cold shoulder, their conversation only limited to office talks. They kept a professional relationship wordlessly agreeing to forget everything that happened.

Mirae thought she's gonna be fired but she wasn't which made her a bit relieved. She acted aloof towards the boss just like how he's acting towards her. She only talks to him to remind him his schedule and any other important stuffs and that's it.

Jieun softly nudge Mirae seeing her in a daze again. The cheery smile she always plastered is slowly fading out- jieun noticed the mask she always wear despite knowing her for only a few days.

Mirae crack a smile which made Jieun more worried about her mental well-being. She knew how tiring it is to work under the CEO since she experienced it first-hand. She can only shudder, imagining what goes in and out of that office. The CEO is known to be strict and a terror, office-workers often joke about him being the dragon the 20th floor. The thought made her chuckle, they can talk about these stuffs since he doesn't visit their workplaces or attend team dinners but Mirae's a complete opposite.

She can't reject or talk her frustrations out since she's the only one who resides the 20th floor along with the CEO.

Once the hands of the clock reached the 1 o'clock everyone is already settled on their own chairs, their back slouched typing and reading-- doing their regular work.

Mirae on the other hand stayed seated on her chair. Constantly glancing at the intercom. She didn't want to appear irresponsible just like how she did before so she's doing her work efficiently and effectively to prove herself.

She failed once and she's trying to make up to that mistake. Her daily routing carried on with her waking up 2 hours earlier to ensure she's not late to work. She often goes home at 11 or 12 it depends on the CEO. She just can't let him stay in the office alone without her, she holds of the important information and data that he may need.

The clock strikes at 8 pm, most workers were getting out of the office to get home but Mirae stayed on her chair reorganizing the CEO's schedule and taking notes of the important events to announce it to him.

She glanced at the clock, her stomach grumbling because of hunger. Its was almost 10 pm, it's way past the dinner time. She guessed most of the restaurants in her area might be closing now. She will have to settle with convenience store food to ease her hunger.

The golden door knob rattles, it slowly opened revealing the tired and pale face of the CEO. He closed the door behind him staring at Mirae who was already ready to go home. His eyes were droopy and his body slouched. He straightened it tapping his fingers on the table earning Mirae's attention.

Mirae snapped her head up, her eyes falling directly at the CEO's tired ones. She pursed her lips fixing her stuffs before standing up following Youngbin into the elevator.

The both of them were silent listening to the soft melody of the song that's echoing inside. She stared at her feel trying to shake away the drowsiness in her body.

She didn't notice her stomach growled earning Youngbin's attention. Mirae pursed her lips, her cheeks tinted with red hue because of embarrassment. Youngbin snorted finding the situation funny, he tried to mask the giggles by clearing his throat- his eyes forming a crescent figure while he tried to mask it by shaking his head.

The action went unnoticed by Mirae as she was too busy staring at her shoes, finding it more interesting than wandering her eyes and accidentally landing it to her boss' figure. Her mind clouded with anxiety, embarrassed at the fact that there's a possibility he heard the growling of her stomach.

The elevator finally reached the ground floor. The two patiently waited for the door to open before they ventured outside, finding their separate ways towards the exit.

Mirae sighed staring at the sky. It was pitch black with glittered dust accentuating it. The surrounding was eerie but it oddly made Mirae's body relaxed, her mind too busy to admire the surrounding to notice the car beside her.

A loud and ear piercing beep disturbed the peaceful surrounding. Mirae snap her head instantly flinching at the loud noise. She secretly threw a glare at the driver, muttering curses under her breathe.

The window rolled down revealing her boss who smirked satisfied at her flustered state.

"hop on, I'll drive you home!" he offered opening his car door, motioning Mirae to get in.

The last bus must have left already accepting the offer may be the rational decision she could take. She mustered all her courage and nodded her head turning her heels around to enter the passenger seat.

"do you want to stop by and eat first?" he asked which took her by surprise. She rub her belly feeling it growl because of hunger. She nodded her head taking his offer.

Mirae was too tired and hungry to think straight. She needs to consume food to restore her energy. The fact that she barely eat during lunch made her silently blame herself.


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