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Class 1-A was having an unusually quiet day, no villain attacks, no break ins, no annoying press trying to shove their microphones down everyone's throats. The class was working in small groups, a lesson actually in session. Even Aizawa was working at his desk, going through papers and marking them, instead of sleeping.

To most, it would be a usual, domestic typical classroom scene. But to the occupants of 1-A, it was the calm before the storm. Everyone on edge, despite the peaceful atmosphere, ready for trouble. And boy, were they not disappointed.

The door slammed open, a small figure running in. The class tensed up and launched from their seats quickly, ready to face whoever burst into their classroom, only to be confused when a small girl, with light grey hair and red eyes, latched herself onto their teacher.

"Eri? What-"

The girl interrupted Aizawa. "Dad! You have to run! NOW! Mommy's coming and he isn't happy! Auntie and Uncle are trying to distract him so you can run!"

Class 1-A was confused. Not only was there a random small child in their class. But said small child was calling Aizawa her dad. Everyone turned to their teacher for an explanation, but were taken aback by the expression of pure terror on his face.

"Y-your mother is coming? Here?" Aizawa's eyes went wide as the girl nodded. "Oh god." The man ran over to the windows, trying to see if they could open. He grabbed an empty chair and almost threw it at the window, before a chilling voice stopped him.

"Shouutaaaa." A voice came from the door, a sickly sweet tone that didn't match the evil smile or terrifying aura the man emitted.

The class turned their gaze to the newcomer, a man with green hair and freckles splashed all over his face.

"Where do you think you're going?" The deathly quiet voice made the class fall back into their seats in fear. They didn't care if this guy was a villain, there was no way they were going against that demon. Good luck Mr. Aizawa.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." The sleep deprived man had given up on the windows, now pressing himself on the wall, trying to shrink away from the death stare he was getting. "Yes honey? To what do I owe the pleasure of this lovely visit?"

The class inhaled sharply as a whole. HONEY?!

"Don't honey me, Shouta.  I think you know exactly what you did."

"Uh. . . Of course?"

"Oh you are kidding me." The green haired man walked up to class 1-A's squirming teacher. "Eri honey, stand back and cover your ears." The girl put her hands over her ears and rushed over to the door on the other side of the classroom, standing by Present Mic and Midnight who had come over to stand just outside of the entrance.

"Get ready for the beatdown." Midnight said quietly to the class.

"Not only did you work the late night shift until four in the fucking morning, you didn't eat breakfast! I know for a fucking fact that you did NOT pack a lunch like you promised you had, do you know why?" He held up a small black bag up to Aizawa. 

"BECAUSE I FOUND IT ON THE COUNTER WHILE I WAS CLEANING UP THE BREAKFAST THAT YOU DIDN'T EAT! Is my cooking not good enough for you, Shouta? Because I have seen you eat it before! Please, tell me if something is wrong with how my food tastes! And don't even get me started on your schedule! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE YOU SLEPT MORE THAN TWO HOURS A NIGHT?!"

"He's been on a mission for a month and a half over in america. He came back last night." Present Mic told Class 1-A when the man took a break from his yelling.

Aizawa and Izuku (One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now