6 | Strong 'oman

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"Serial Killer on the loose!"
Choking on her coffee, Emily lowered the cup to the counter, staring wide-eyed at the television where Justice Troy could be seen smirking, confidence reeking from the television, even.

"Aronville has never seen such commotion in decades. Two murders in a row has thrown professionals off guard. While people are already seeking to lurk in the safety of their home, we also, suggest you do the same because this might be a case of serial killer. Though the authorities have not answered, their silence can be taken as the affirmative.
Keep watching KVC News for updates!"

Somehow Emily felt that the world had crashed on her, again. She keeps on getting those eery nightmares, based off on whatever roots. But, what horrified her was the murders. She was always afraid of murders. Serial killers were just oil to the fire.

Sirens blared the blocks as wails and sobs echoed from the dilapidated houses that sat hauntingly amidst the ironical sunshine. It felt like the sky had broken over Aronville as thunder and lightning strikes competed well with the sounds of the land.

Stretcher after stretcher carried away bodies, sheets covered till head. Not even wind could pick up the blood soaked sheets, knowing if the cover would be lifted, breaths will stop. Children stood cowering behind the adults. While some of the children had to watch their family being taken away, some had to watch their friends being taken away. Yet, most of them did not worry, let alone cry, they thought, they would be back soon - their friends and family. The devastated adults broke down.

With each thunder strike, the sky grew darker and darker. Vans labelled as different TV channels whooshed to a stop. It was utter chaos - sirens, wails, cries, shouts, thunder, bedazzling lightning and clicks and questions.

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