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The next morning, Dany woke before Rhaenys and Marge. She carefully climbed out of the bed, doing her best not to disturb the other two women, grabbed her phone from the nightstand and her toiletry bag, which contained the pregnancy test, from her overnight bag and made her way to the bathroom as quietly as she could.

You can do this Dany, she whispered to herself as she closed and locked the bathroom door.

You have read the instructions, she murmured as she slid her panties down her legs and sat down on the toilet.

All you have to do is pee on the damn stick for five seconds. She removed the test from it's wrapper, took the cap off and placed it under the stream of urine after she began to pee.

Now, all you have to do is wait three to five minutes for the results to pop up on the digital display screen. She muttered after placing the pregnancy test on the sink counter, face down, next to her cell phone and wiping herself dry with some toilet paper.

It is 6:55am... By 7:00, Not Pregnant will show up on the display screen and you will be able to put this all behind you. You will laugh and then Monday, Varys will make this all go away.

To pass the time, she washed her face. 6:56.

Then brushed her long silver tressels. 6:57.

After brushing her teeth, she glanced at her phone and saw it was 6:59. Well, close enough to seven, Dany told herself as she grabbed the test and flipped it over.


She set it down. There is no way... The NOT before PREGNANT must have not appeared on the display yet because I did not wait for the full five minutes...  Maybe I have something in my eyes... She rubbed her eyes, hoping that when she looked at the test she would see the actual answer.

She looked at the time on her phone once more. 7:00. Okay, now it is time to look.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and picked up the test at the test once more. Peeking at the white plastic stick in her she still saw just the one word on the digital display.

The piece of plastic dropped from her hand and fell onto the floor.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK! What the fuck am I going to do?" Dany said as she sat down on the toilet and put her head in her hands, willing the tears not to fall.

"Dany? Are you okay?" She heard Marge's concerned voice from the other side of the door.

Shit! "Uh.. Yeah. I'm fine," She said quickly as she picked the pregnancy test up from the floor. The word PREGNANT laughing at her as she wrapped it  in a wad toilet paper and placed it in the wastebasket.

"I swear I just heard you cursing... you don't sound alright."

"I just..." she paused trying to think of an excuse. She then saw her mascara in her toiletry bag. She quickly grabbed it and put it into the trash on top of the test before opening the door to let Margaery in. "I was getting ready to get in the shower and I dropped my mascara in the toilet," she squeaked, angry at herself for being so emotional. "...and I don't know what I'm going to do... It is the only Waterproof Mascara I have with me and now I need to go to the store and get another... and I promised Rhae I would stay with her all day and help her get ready."

Much to Dany's dismay, the tears she had been willing back began to fall down her cheeks.

"OH, Honey... It's okay!" Marge exclaimed, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "Rhae is still asleep. Just run down to the drug store really quick and grab some more."

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