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Dany felt Jon's firm hand on the small of her back as he led her out of the elevator and towards his hotel room on the twentieth floor of the Red Keep.

Her high heels clicking against the stone floors. With each step she took, the more she wanted to turn around and go back down to the wedding reception. But she knew she couldn't. This news could not wait - she had only learned the truth that morning and it was already eating at her - she knew she could not rest until she told Jon. He had the right to know before the meeting with the lawyer on Monday.

"This is it," her nephew murmured, removing his hand from her back to take the room keycard from his wallet.

This is it Dany. You can do this, she thought as she took a deep breath while he opened the door.

"Jon, I have something really important I need to discuss with you," Dany stated firmly, walking into the hotel room as he held the door open for her.

"I think I know what you want to talk about... At least I hope I do," Jon replied with a shy smile on his face as he closed the door.

"You do?"

"Aye, I do," he confirmed as he gestured to the fancy crimson armchair by the window. "Have a seat and let me go first."

"Alright," Dany nodded as she sat down in the chair. Oh sweet Jon, I find that hard to believe because even I did not know for sure until after I spoke with Rhae and Marge. You know nothing, yet.

"I came to the realization talking to Gendry earlier tonight. He really helped me to open my eyes to our situation," Jon smiled as he sat down on the bed across from her. "Gods I cannot believe how blind I was not to see it sooner."

There is no way he figured out that I'm pregnant. Dany's heart started beating wildly when he took her hands into his. "I don't thi-"

"Dany, I know and I feel the same... I want to go for it," Jon interrupted with that stupid crooked half smile that she loved. "That is, as long as you do."

"What?" she breathed out. Her mind was racing. What the fuck is he talking about? There is no way he knows... He said Gendry helped him come to this realization... There is no way Gendry figured it out and told Jon... Unless Marge told Gendry earlier today and then he told Jon. Oh fuck. She felt bile rising up the back of her esophagus. She could not force words across her lips.

His gray eyes met her violet ones. He had a smile on his face and she could tell he was searching for the right words. There was also a look in his eyes that she had never seen before. It was a look she saw in Egg's eyes when he looked at Rhaenys or Rhaegar when he looked at Lyanna.

"When we went to Sunspear, from what I remember, we had a lot of fun and the night was certainly very...passionate, if the evidence that was all over the floor is to be believed..."

Even in your drunken state, I have the proof in my womb that you knew where to put it.

She wanted to agree with his assessment, but could not get the words to pass her lips, so she just nodded, silently signaling for him to continue.

"So, I don't think we should rush to get an annulment," he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. She saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I think we should give us... As in Jon and Dany... Dany and Jon... a real try," he added as he gestured between the two of them with his free hand.

"Jon, I don't think you know what you are talking about," Dany replied, letting go of his hand, fearful he would feel the moisture that was forming on her palm.

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