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They go to the adoption agency and they can't decide and then harry spots this perfect little girl and she talks to him and they play together and he introduces her to draco and she hugs his knees and tells him to play with her and harry stands back watching them falling in love with draco all over again. She calls Draco pretty and asks if he's going to be her new mommy. All Draco can do is smile and hug her, he's tearing up and he's chocked up. And that's when he knew that that little girl was his daughter no matter what. Harry walks up to the worker and demands to adopt her for his baby and she gets sort of scared by him being all frantic and stuff and so they walk off and Draco starts to panic because he can't find Harry but the girl calms him down by pulling on his sleeve and whispering in his ear 'I can tell you love him lots' and he instantly calms down. Draco nods looking over at her and smiles and goes "i do love him a lot, he's my second favorite person in the world," and she's like "who's the first?" And Draco is just like "you. He's going to be your daddy and I can promise you he's going to be the best dad in the world." And like at this point Draco has tears Rollin down his face. Harry is nervous because he knows how shy draco gets around people and he's nervous that someone will try to talk to him and he'll freak out so he's hurrying the woman up and he comes back and draco is sitting on the floor with their daughter in between his legs. The woman was getting irritated with Harry and once she saw Draco with the little girl like literally like died a little it was so cute. And Harry just walked away from her and sat with Draco and held their child. Draco lifts her up into his arms and carries her to the car and he realizes that harry didn't put the car seat in the car and scolds him so she has to ride on his lap in the back seat.

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