Chapter 8

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 Chapter 8


One week since I've seen Mason and I don't feel half as bad as long as I don't think of him or see his face anywhere. I'm completely fine

I grabbed my back pack leaving my last class for the week. I spotted him down the hall and made eye contact  but acted like I didn't and made my way over to my car

I went back to my room after watching two movies and decided to call Austin to hang out. He was quick to pick my call on the second ring.

"Hey Austin, can you come over? I have no one to talk with" I asked in hopes of a positive reply

"Sure, I'll be there in fifteen" he said. Thank goodness. Just the kind of reply l was hoping for

"Thank you so much Austin, your the best" I happily replied

"Don't mention. I'll be right there" he said and caught the called. What a sweetheart. Just the kind of friend you need in times like this

While waiting, I decided to go through my Instagram when something caught my eyes.

I went to Mason's Instagram and saw that he has been posting pictures with the girl he was with the day before he left. They were even kissing in some of the pictures while in some they were cuddling

I quickly went away from his Instagram before I could feel any emotion. That is a sight I don't want to see again...  but only because I'm positive that he's just using her

"Ding dong"

I heard the doorbell ring so I quickly stood from my position on the bed to open the door. Wow, Austin was here really fast I thought to myself

I opened the door to the sight I ran away from some seconds ago.

My lord!

"Mason you're here" I said with the most forced smile I've ever tried to make

"I'm also here" the bit- girl, the girl informed me like I'm blind or something

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there..." I said with the same forced smile on my face to sound nice enough to get her name

"It's Bernice, Mason's girlfriend"

Umm... if I asked for the second part, I would have understood but unfortunately I didn't so I don't quite understand why she's telling me

I wish I was mean enough to give her a piece of my mind but unfortunately I'm not. I think I will soon cause I don't like the vibe emitting off of her

"Come on in" I gestured for them to come in hoping my fake smile wasn't failing me

"I don't need your permission to come in. Mason could have just easily let me in" she rolled her eyes and walked in

Then why are you  still standing there dumbass. I rolled my eyes inwardly

I looked over at Mason to his reaction and caught his look of disgust before he morphed it back to his normal expression

I honestly don't know how he can stand that bitc- I mean girl, that girl. She's going to be the death of me

Mason trailed behind her, taking a seat on the sitting room chair and inviting her to sit on his lap.

I'm just going to be off to my room and wait for Austin before they cause more havoc to my eyes.

I was just leaving when Mason's hand grabbed mine. I stopped and turned to listen to what he wanted to say

"Please could you make me something to eat. I'm hungry"

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