Chapter 1

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I jumped to right, right as Thor threw a fireball at me. Loki used lightning and hit me in the shoulder. It burned for a minute, but slowly stopped. I threw a few fireballs at them, but they dodged them all.

We were having one of our daily matches in bending. It was two-against-one and I was by myself. My brothers were both stronger than me because I never practiced my firebending when Mother said to. I always went off by myself to practice waterbending. After some intense study when I discovered I could waterbend as well, I found out that I was the Avatar. The Avatar had become a myth on Asgard. No one believed that it existed anymore. It had been so long since an Avatar was born on Asgard that they had forgotten about them.

"At least try Nymia." Mother told me. Her voice pulled me out of my head and back into the match. There was still no way I could win this, but I wouldn't go down without a fight. As someone once told me, if you're going to fail, fail spectacularly. I started attacking faster and stronger, trying to beat them back a little bit. They didn't move, if anything they got closer. Loki used his lightning again and this time it hit my stomach. Pain laced through my body and I fell to the ground. I curled up on myself and tried to stop the agony.

"Nym!" I heard someone running towards me. They fell down beside me and pulled me to them. I moaned in pain. I squeezed my eyes tighter together.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I thought you would dodge it. I didn't mean to hurt you." It was Loki. I heard someone else running toward us and I was lifted off the ground. I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a stretcher. The two guards carrying the stretcher were practically running towards the castle. The shaking motion caused my stomach to hurt more. I moaned again. We finally made it to the healers and they lifted me off the stretcher and put my on one of the beds in the room.

They took my shirt off and then started to rub a salve on my stomach. It was cool and made the pain go down. When they were finished, my stomach was just slightly pink with irritation. The pain was completely gone.

When Loki was let in he ran to my side and apologized and asked for my forgiveness.

"It wasn't your fault. I wasn't paying attention. Anyway, we always run the risk of getting hurt. Firebending is the most deadly element. Nothing can beat it."

"Except water."

"Right. Except water."

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Have I told you that you're really strong?"

"No, but thank you. I actually practice unlike you."

"Hey! I practice."

"Sure you do. I'm sure that when you go into the woods everyday, you're practicing firebending." he said sarcastically

"Shut up." I playfully hit his arm and he laughed.

"Come on. You look healed enough. Let's go practice. You need to get at least 10 times better before you can beat anyone in a match."

"Fine." I got up and followed him. We walked into the woods and to a little pasture about half a mile in. It was about 30 feet across. Perfect amount of space.

"Okay. Try to hit me with a fireball." I nodded and made a fireball in my hand. I threw it at him and he dodged.

"Okay. Now actually try." I made another fireball. I threw it at him faster this time. He still dodged.

"Come on. I know you can do better than that."

"I'm trying." I made yet another fireball and threw it. It flew right past his ear. He smirked and I got really frustrated. The water in my hip flask started to shake. It burst out and flew at him. It hit his face and completely doused him in water. He looked at me and I could see the shock in his eyes. Slowly, I realized what I had just did.

"Shit." I whispered.

"What was that?"

"I can explain."

"You better."

"I think I'm the Avatar."

"The Avatar is a myth! It doesn't exist! It's just a story we tell to children! It's not possible for the Avatar to exist, it goes against all logic!"

"Then how do explain my ability to bend water?!"

"I don't know. Can you bend any others?" I smiled.

"Move around. Try to confuse me. Don't make noise." I closed my eyes and he complied. I crouched down and put my hand to the ground. I could sense where he was. He had moved a few feet to the left and twenty feet forward. I reached out to the ground under him and made it rise a few inches. He yelped a little bit when the ground started to move. I opened my eyes and looked to where he was.

"I can do that, but I can't control air yet."

"That's actually kind of cool."

"I know right, but you can't tell anyone. It Odin found out, he'd freak."

"Okay. You know, I could probably help you learn all of the elements. Well, I couldn't teach you, but I could help you fight with them."

"I guess. You also have to help me learn how to firebend. I can find other teachers for the other elements if I have to."

"Okay. It's a deal. We will meet here every time we need to practice." I ran up and hugged him.

"Thank you so much. No one else would understand."

"Of course. Now let's go to dinner. Father is expecting us for the feast tonight."

"Right. Let's go." We walked back to the palace and into the dining room. Me and Loki sat up and the head table with the rest of the royal family.

"Where have you been all day? I was starting to get worried." Thor asked

"We were out practicing in the forest." Loki said

"Sure, practicing." Thor said suggestively

"Get your head out of your ass. We were practicing. You can come tomorrow if you want." I told him

"Sure. When are we meeting?"

"Right after practice with Mother." Loki told him

"I'll be there." he went back to eating his food and drinking with his friends.

"Are we going to tell him?" I whispered to Loki

"Only if you want." he whispered back. I nodded and started eating. 

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