Chapter 5

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It had been five months since the wedding. The baby was due any day now. Nothing much had happened since the wedding. Alex and I didn't go on a honeymoon so we just settled into married life. I hadn't talked to Loki either. Life was pretty boring. Alex had gotten a job working at Stark Tower. He was a waterbender and they were pretty useful as on-hand doctors/nurses. He worked right beside Stark which was pretty cool. Alex promised that he would take me to visit after I had the baby.

I was home alone at the moment. Alex was at work. It was almost time for his lunch break when I could call and talk to him. He didn't have enough time to come home everyday, but he still tried his hardest. I was laying on the couch when I felt a warm liquid run down my leg and I was gripped by a sharp pain in my stomach. When the pain passed, I realized that I was going into labor.

I grabbed my phone from where it was sitting beside me and dialed Alex's number. He didn't answer the first few times and I was starting to freak out. Finally he answered when another contraction ripped through me.

"Are you okay?" he asked kind of worried

"Do I sound like I'm okay? I'm going into labor now get your ass over here before I come up there."

"I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as possible." he hung up and I closed my eyes as another contraction came. My vision suddenly went black and I was in the dark place where I had talked to Loki. I looked around and saw him behind me. I gripped my stomach through the pain.

"Nymia. Are you okay?" he yelled running over to me

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? Usually the pregnant woman going into labor is not okay."

"You're going into labor?"

"No." I said sarcastically and glared at him

"Now is not the time for sarcasm. Where is Alexios? Shouldn't you have a midwife with you?"

"I don't have a midwife and Alex is on his way. He should be here at any time. I have to go now. I'm sorry. I hope I'll see you someday soon." I hugged Loki and opened my eyes to the real world. Another contraction hit just as Alex ran through the door towards me.

"Oh shit. It's really happening. We're having a baby!"

"Yes we are. Now get your ass over here and help me up." he came to my side and helped me up. I started walking towards our room.

"Where are you going? We have to get to the hospital."

"I can't give birth in a hospital. I have to do it here."


"I just do. I built a nest in our bedroom. That's where we're going. Fuck." Another contraction hit me as we walked into our room. I climbed into my nest and took off my clothes. I laid down and panted as the contraction stopped.

"Do you need me to dull the pain?" Alexios asked trying to be helpful

"You can do that?"

"Yeah. Most people can't, but Maria taught me how."

"Please." I almost begged as another contraction started. He climbed behind me and pulled me in between his legs. He pulled some water out of the sink and started to use his healing to ease the pain. It worked and I could relax. It was about an hour before Alex's healing started to disappear. He was slowly becoming exhausted and the pain of labor was returned full force. I cried out and started to try to push the baby out.

"Don't start pushing yet. You'll hurt the baby and yourself." I heard a voice from beside me say. I stopped pushing and looked over. There stood Frigga, Loki, and Thor.

"Mom?" I asked. She nodded and came to sit next to me to guide me through this.

"Go wait outside. I'll come get you when this is over." She told Loki and Thor. They stepped out of the room and closed the door. I was about to say something when a contraction hit. I gripped Alex's hands so hard, I thought I would break them. When it passed, I started panting again. I felt Alex try to take the pain away again, but I could tell he was struggling.

"It's okay Alex. You're exhausted. Don't push your limits." he stopped trying and just held me.

"I'm sorry I can't do more. I-"

"Now is not the time for conversation. We can talk later. Okay, you are going to have another contraction in a few minutes. When it starts, I want you to push." Frigga told me. I prepared myself and when the contraction came I started to push. It was extremely painful. I felt like I was being ripped apart. I kept pushing and suddenly I heard a baby cry. I collapsed back against Alex. When I looked back up I saw Frigga holding my baby girl. She saw me looking and handed her to me.

"What's her name?" Frigga asked.

"Eretria Evangeline Winters." I told her.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm very proud of you Nym." she left the room. Alex helped me stand and put on a robe. I laid down on the bed and laid Eva on my chest as she settled down. Once I got settled, my brothers came in to see me.

"Congratulations Nym. What's her name?" Loki asked

"Her name is Eretria Evangeline Winters."

"She's so cute."

"Yeah she is." I looked down at her and finally got a good look at her face. She looked just like a mini me except for one thing.

"Oh shit. Look at her eyes Alex." they were an exact replica of her father's.

"It's going to be okay Nym. She's beautiful. Her eyes are the only thing that looks like her father."

"Are you not the child's father?" Thor asked. The room went silent.

"The day I was banished here, I was attacked. I was healed by a nice woman named Maria. She introduced me to her son Alexios a little while after that. We started dating when I got better and one day I was left alone at the house. I had to go to the store to buy something and I was raped. I found out I was pregnant 3 months later and me and Alex got married a month after that. I haven't seen the man since, but we had to move here to get away from him." Thor looked furious

"I will find this man and destroy him for touching you!" he told me

"It's okay Thor. He can't find us here and even though I will never forgive him for what he did, I have to move past it and take care of my daughter. I can't be the best mom for her if I'm stuck in the past."

"That is a very mature point of view to have on this. I am very proud of you Nym." Loki told me

"It's my fault isn't it? It's my fault, you got attacked the first time. If I hadn't told father, you wouldn't have been banished. You would've been safe."

"It's not your fault Thor. I forgive you for what you did. I've had a lot of time to think and while I was angry at first, I'm not anymore. If I wasn't banished, I never would have met Alex and I wouldn't have my beautiful daughter."

"I wish I could convince father to end your banishment. Your daughter should get to grow up on Asgard as the princess that she is."

"When father makes up his mind, he doesn't change it. He won't let me end my banishment early. I'll raise her here, but I'll teach her all about Asgard and who she is. I just hope that she'll get to see her uncles and grandmother more often."

"We'll do what we can. I promise that me and Thor will come at least once a year." Loki told me

"Thank you. I love you guys so much. I can't believe I have to say goodbye again."

"We'll come down as soon as possible, but we have to leave now. Goodbye Nym." Thor said

"Goodbye. I'll see you soon." Frigga walked back into the room and hugged me goodbye. In a flash of light, they were all gone.

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