Chapter 4

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I was in a dark place. There was no light anywhere. I couldn't reach a wall, no matter how far I walked.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" I called out

"Nym? Is that you?" I heard a voice reply

"Who's there?"

"It's me. Loki."

"How do I know it's you? Tell me something only Loki would know."

"When you were 12, you told Thor something and when he laughed, you hit him on the head with a vase. When mom found out, I took the blame because you were starting training the next day and you didn't want to have it delayed a week because you were grounded."

"It really is you. How are you speaking to me?"

"I found a book full of spells and this was one of them. I've been trying to contact you for a month."

"Is something wrong? Is there something I should know about?" I asked getting very worried

"Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to talk to you. I was so worried about you. It's been almost 2 years since you were banished. I had no idea if you were okay or if something had happened."

"It's great to hear your voice again. It's been a rough couple of years."

"What's happened?"

"I was attacked when I got here. I was found by a nice old lady named Maria. She healed me and I got introduced to her son Alexios. We hit it off and started dating. About a year and a half later, I was attacked again. About three months later, me and Alexios got engaged after Maria told us some bad news."

"What did she tell you?"

"I'm 3 months pregnant. Me and Alexios are getting married in a month. I would love it if you found a way to be there. I know it's probably not going to happen, but..."

"I'll try my hardest."

"I love you. I miss seeing you everyday."

"I love you too. Goodbye Nymia." he said as his voice drifted away. The world slowly returned to normal. I opened my eyes and looked up at Alexios.

"We're almost there. My friend is meeting us to take us to his apartment." I sat up as the plane landed. We got up and Alexios led me out of the airport. He led me to a car with someone standing next to it who I assumed was his friend.

"Alexios!" he yelled to him

"Liam!" they hugged each other

"It's been so long. I haven't seen you in ages."

"I know. Are you still with Stephanie?"

"Nah. Me and her broke it off a year ago. We need to start keeping up with each other. Who is this beautiful lady?" he asked turning towards me

"This is Nymia. My fiancée." he looked slightly shocked.

"You didn't tell me you had a fiancée."

"It's a new thing. We got engaged last night and we're getting married in a month."

"That's quick."

"Well, we kind've have a time limit."

"What do you mean time limit?"

"Nymia's pregnant."

"Oh. Well, wasn't expecting that. On a different topic, what do you want for dinner?" he smiled and we all got in the car. We went to his apartment. Me and Alexios were going to have to share a room. I only had one bag which I put next to the bed. I went back out of the room towards the kitchen. Liam was stirring a pot on the stove when I walked in.

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