Day 22

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"Remember and laugh about the funniest situations you have been involved in!"

Lol I had actually written this entry and all but forgot to actually publish.  So happy birthday lmao.

It wasn't exactly a funny situation but before I read today's challenge I'd already had this convo and it was funny more odd so...

Basically it you didn't already know I'm one of 3 kids. There may be quite and age gap between me and my bro but the three of us have always been close. We used to play together all the time. Looking back some of our storylines were very bizarre. So lucky you... I'll share a couple...

Peppa Pig
So my sister was a MASSIVE Peppa Pig fan and used to collect loads of the murch. We had the original house and family, the school with all the characters plus Madam Gazelle and Miss Rabbit. The car, train and helicopter. The castle with Princess Peppa and her Ladies in Waiting. I think that's it anyway. We had a LOT!  And multiple copies of different figures.

So in our classic way we used these and other random toys from around the house to create a whole world and game that literally went on over years.

But some of the details are very odd now we look back. So one of the lead characters Patrick was going to end up marrying Penny, the Princess who was far older than him and also HIS COUSIN.

Penny was half Pig, half lion - Do not question. Who suffered huge issues of rejection from her parents, especially when they adopted a baby hamster.

Basically no-one had homes, all crammed into different rooms in the hotel run by Miss Rabbit. And when houses were built they always seemed to end up breaking up in storms... really I'd sack Builder Bear and his team 😂😂😂

Then there was the whole subplot of Animal in Need - basically a charity supporting basically everyone in the area. So as a thank you the people would always be fundraising, in a lot of crazy ass ways... the Olympics was small fry.

I definitely did NOT spend lots of time organising a whole education system. Working out who was in what year, what subjects they did, including timetables...

... I'm going to stop before I incriminate myself...

Let's just say each of the Barbie games were something else....

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