Are you my mom 🤕😭

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Arianna POV It's Monday and I have to go to school with hickeys all over my neck

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Arianna POV
It's Monday and I have to go to school with hickeys all over my neck

Bri- gurl why you got all them hickeys
Ari- Chile get out I'm in a bra and panties
Bri- shit did nimari dick you down I seen y'all live
Ari- Chile we just fuck buddies until our people get it right
Bri- so he getting you right while they get right
Ari- yep
Bri- I know we keep saying right but that's wrong
Ari- shit we ain't cheating
Bri- true Chile let's go get Jalen and Mikey so we can-
Ari- Mikey oh Chile you got friends
Bri-girl zon't zo dat
Ari- ok lets go get them

I honked and they came out and you know I had to get petty so I put on my FUCK M🖕🏾KEY

Ari - y'all wanna listen to music
Bri -yep
Jalen- yessir
Mikey- naw
Ari - ok
Ari:He's for e'rrybody, e'rrybody, e'rrybody, e'rrybody
E'rrybody, e'rrybody, e'rrybody, e'rrybody (sad case)
Ari - He tryna pour out his heart
While I'm tryina roll up a blunt
While I'm tryina roll up a blunt
You know I'm single
So that mean I do what I want
I'm single ,I'm single, I'm single ,I'm single ,I'm single ,I'm single ,I'm single ,I'm single

Bri -I'm single ,I'm single
Jalen-she maybe single but you not so stop playin wit me
Bri- I'm sorry daddy
Ari- y'all nasty
Jalen- says yo-

Siri - Daddy heart eyes eggplant peach sp-
Ari-we jus gon put that on slilence and put my headphones in
Mikey - ion calling you who is that
Bri- let's find out
Nimari- hey mommas
Ari - you on my car don't say nun else
Mikey-hol hol is that nimari you been fuckin nimari
Nimari-ahh shit I thought you said you was going to cover up them hickeys
Mikey- hickeys oh hell naw
Ari- I'm not yo girl so who dick me down ain't nun of yo business and get out we at school
Nimari- you already her I'll tell you in 1st period the bell just rung bye love you
Ari- I love you too
Mikey- oh hell naw you playin with me y'all get out
Ari- hell naw stay in the car and talk to me like that again and you getting tased keep fucking playin with me and that's gonna you basketball career
Bri- Jalen you can leave but ion going nowhere cause as soon as you jump in yo head gon get stumped in so you might wanna go
Jalen - naw I'm good I already got my popcorn
Ari- it ain't no reason for popcorn cause this finna be the end of this discussion he dick me down better he eat me better and he treat me better and I know that shit hurt you cause yo face just dropped and I don't care I also don't care about bout going to jail cause I will be in jail if you touch me a way I don't like talk to me a way I don't like you will get tased or shot and I don't care about how you feel cause didn't care when fucked that slut thot walking hiv ,std,yeast infection and gonorrhea and I'm not gonna care when nimari is caving my back in ok ...... ok you can get out now .

*Skips to lunch*
Nimari comes to the table that me and the meme team were at
Nimari-hey mommas
Marie - when did did .....where did
Nimari-last night ,flashed Ari's hickeys,my house
Sharife - hol up am I the only one who saw this coming
Omar- nope
Marie- naw
Kayla- yea but no
Sharife- so let me just ask the question everybody wanna know the answer too
Omar-y'all fuckin
Nimari, Ari: yes , no
Omar -one of y'all liein
Mikey- Ari
Ari- see I guess wtf I told you in the car You find understand so let me just help you understand continue butting into my life and you will die and that's not a threat that's a fucking promise bitch she said
Omar- am I the only on scared cause said that calmly
Bri- naw
Serenity- I'm not
Ari- see you gon be the one to get popped so keep playin
Serenity- bitch go sit the fuck down you a lil Chihuahua
Ari-well if you wasnt a STD caring dumb bitch you would know that fucking chihuahuas bite the shit out of you won't care and then walk away but this chihuahua don't just bite and walk away I bite and then stomp yo head in so keep playing I already beat yo as once I'll do it again
Serenity -then what it do
Mikey- Ari chill out
Ari- you shut the fuck up and get yo thot
Bri- say da word

Ari- I'm not going need no help with dis one
Bri- still jus say da word and you know what it do

Ari jumped across the table and wrapped serenity hair in her hand an slug her to the ground and stumped her face in

Nimari- Ari stop
Ari- ok I'll stop stumping her face in but I'm not going to stop whipping her ass
After she was done she stepped on her throat
Ari- and bitch if you ever step to me sideways it's gon happen again now goodbye I finna go to the principal office at tell him I just beat yo ass

Setting : in office

Ari- I just beat up serenity
Principal- finally in so proud of you for finally standing up for your self

Ari thoughts: the principal is me and Bri uncle that's the real reason we're here my dad is sick he has cancer so when I talk to somebody about my problems it's him because him and my mom were the only ppl that love me unconditionally nimari was the only person who knows besides family well hes like family

Ari - can you just give me iss I can't do oss cause I have a tournament plzzz
Principal- yes you only because I love you
Ari- I love you too thank yo soo much
I walked out the office

Nimari POV
Setting: school
Nimari- hey Principal Taylor
Principal- wassup nimari how you been
Nimari- good
Principal- aye keep Ari out of trouble plz
Nimari: I got u
Ari- hey stranger
Nimari- I don't understand how you can be so happy after beating somebody up
Ari- cause that relived a lot of the anger
Nimari- yo crazy
Ari- but you love it tho
Nimari - I sur-
And she kissed me
Nimari thoughts - man this girl got me on a high I love her I don't know if I wanna end this but every time I see Marie I just love her but a voice in my head says Ari and that bitch be screaming but I need to get over her , her heart belongs to Mikey don't matter how mad they are

Ari- hey what's on your mind
Nimari- I don't wanna talk about it right now or not until I can explain it to you
Ari- listen nimari I love you and you know you can tell me anything and I'll come up with a solution just after school hope in the car and we can talk about it I love you remember that

*Skips to the end of the day*

Mikey POV
Setting :Ari's

Mikey- y we just sitting here
Ari- cause this my car and if I wanted us to stand here and watch every single episode riverdale again I could cause what

Everybody expect Ari- cause it's your car
Ari- and Bri you gotta get in the back
Bri- why I gotta sit in the back
Nimari- yooo yoo yooo wassup
Ari - that's why
Bri- ohh you wanna sit next to yo mans
Ari- if that's what y'all wanna call it ok
Nimari- hey guys
Everybody said something but me ion like this nigga I think he like Ari and ion fw that

The music left and the music was them sing to each other and his hand on her tho until well now they outside dancing to wet by YFN Lucci right in front of her house I just went home cause it's was some shit


Me Jalen Bri and Nimari- hey dad
Dad- not y'all calling me dad to
??- hey
Ari thoughts: this lady look very familiar like usually when u meet other family it's a hey do you remember me but this time I really do remember her

Everybody said hey

Ari thoughts: holly shit that's my mom
Ari: not to be like weird or any thing but are you my mom

Paris: yes

Ohhhh y'all this some shit

Probably won't post until Sunday will try to post Saturday
Love y'all 😘

Originalpimp izzz out ✌🏾

P.S: Should I do a face reveal comment if you guys think soo ?

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