Hogwarts Mystery

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Hello again...

So I'm sure most of you know of the mobile Harry Potter game 'Hogwarts Mystery'. Anyways, I have just begun playing it, aaaaaaand I maybe, sorta, kinda developed a small crush on Merula Snyde... In case you don't know who she is, she is the antagonist/bully of the game (aka female Draco Malfoy), and she gives me incredibly strong Catra vibes (probably why I love her so much).

Sooooooooo I drew her with my Character, Katie Rivera:

I know most of you who have played/are playing the game, have taking a

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I know most of you who have played/are playing the game, have taking a... disliking to Merula, so I don't know what's wrong with me...

I decided not to add highlights/blush because I'm a lazy. Period.

See y'all in the next chapter!!!
Katie ouuuuut!

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