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Hello, it's been so long. I'm finally have time to update stuff! Yay!
I come to you after binging season 5 of She-Ra *sobbing intensifies* So there will DEFINITELY be spoilers. Because of this I will be doing A LOT of She-Ra art, so just a fair warning. I will also be posting solitary pictures seeing as most of my main chapters are almost at maximum capacity.

I have a new pen name!!! Yay!!! It's Katira!!! Anyways, here's some SPOP fanart for you! Featuring Wrong Hordak and Double Trouble (yes, I ship them)

I have a new pen name!!! Yay!!! It's Katira!!! Anyways, here's some SPOP fanart for you! Featuring Wrong Hordak and Double Trouble (yes, I ship them)

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It's quick and doesn't have shading (which I might add later) but I like it anyway and think they're adorable.

Later peepers! Katie ooouuttt!!!

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