Uncle J
📞 ⛔
"Hey Mari what's up?"
"O nothing much just heard you fucking kidnapped someone again and held people hostage!"
"O shit how did you find out?"
"It doesn't matter how I found out I did and I wanna know why you where so fucking stupid to do it?"
"It's fun to hear them scream in fear."
"Uncle J I swear I am going to fucking beat you up if you don't stop. I will hang you from the eiffel tower.You know I'm not kidding I have done it before.Last time it was from the WE building.So listen up and stop doing it!"
"I will try no promises.'Screams'"
"Uncle J let those people go and go back to Arkaham."
"Alright see you when I escape again."
Call ended
Marinette's calls
فكاهةThis is basically how Marinette would call people like Joker.