After the Fall...

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Luisa's POV:

I couldn't believe that happened, I couldn't believe how it happened, I couldn't believe that I just did that, I couldn't believe that they believed me.

3 months later...

It has been three months since everything went down, everyday I think if I made the right choice, if this is supposed to happen, is this how it is supposed to be? I couldn't believe that I'm on a plane to see Rose, it was all part of her beautiful plan to keep us together, to get our happily ever after, three months ago it all went down.

Rose came to me after not seeing her in person for years, I still loved her, we would talk to each other everyday. I would always zone out of thought thinking about her deep blue eyes, deeper than the color of the ocean, lighter than the night sky, her beautiful red locks that would bounce every time she walked or even tilted her sweet head the slightest, she came to me, the girl she loved for her master plan to keep us together. She would take Jane into hostage threatening to kill the people I loved, she would make her call me and I would jump on to a plane to Miami. While Jane and Rose were getting dressed, her limo would pull up and Rose would switch with a girl named Lauren masked to look like Rose. The whole thing was planned out, it all went perfectly.

I never wanted to hurt anyone in the process. Rose's workers were always so sweet, so loyal, so compassionate, who knew pushing the fake Rose hurts just as much as the real one, but Rose and I were finally alone and happy and we would live the full life that we always wanted for us.

1 hour later...

I was in the private jet that Rose sent for me, we were about to land and all I could think of is, my brother, Rafael. It was right after Rose's "death." Rafael was so proud of me for what I had done, or what he thinks I have done. He trusted me so much that he let me babysit Mateo, he let me meet Ellie and Anna, even Petra was so welcoming and open to it, for something that I didn't really do. The only thing making me sad was the fact that I didn't feel bad about. I did it while I was sober, I was being a good sister, Rose makes me sane, she makes me happy, I melt when I am around her. Being anywhere else made me confused and hurt, made me feel like nobody loved me. She wasn't just my other half, she was me, and without her, who am I?

The plane finally landed, I was at an airport, but it wasn't like a regular one it was protective and secretive, like I was sneaking out. I soon turned around and heard the most soft, deep sound yelling my name, it was Rose. She was running, when I saw her it was like seeing her for the first time. She wasn't wearing anything fancy, she was just wearing jeans and a blouse, but seeing her for the first time in months in that outfit, it made it seem like she was wearing that red dress she wore when we first met. The matte red dress with flowers on it that showed off every curve, her hips, her breasts, her shoulders, everything to do with her beautiful body. I dropped all of my baggage and worries and I ran to the one person I ever truly loved, Rose. We kissed like we have never kissed before, our lips collided and fit perfectly together, our tongues fought, it was calm but rough, passionate but tough, it was the perfect kiss, I couldn't believe that Rose and I could finally get our happily ever after, but it was coming and it was soon.

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