I Was All Over Her

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  Rose's POV

      I couldn't believe that we were finally able to stop running. I knew Luisa felt overwhelmed by the fact that she pushed one of my most loyal agents, but she knew that cost and she knew if we didn't do it we wouldn't be together.

     I was waiting at the airport waiting for her, she didn't know this one because I built it specifically for criminals, but she doesn't know that. She finally landed, I could see her walking down the steps, when I saw her the air was so refreshing, like I was drowning in my sorrows and then she came and made me happy again. I ran to her. I ran fast. I felt so bad that I didn't wear a better outfit to see her, but it didn't matter our actions made up for words, and everything was spoken in those moments.

    I looked deeply into her deep glazed brown eyes that were fiery with compassion, I twirled her soft, brunette hair and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. The kiss was the best I have ever had, it was all spoken and anything that was still held against one another, it all faded away in that one moment.

     We had a plan, I knew she would never leave her brother, the one that kept hurting her, the one who only put her down when she was trying to get back up again. I couldn't believe she still loved him, but I know that she would only be happy if she was with him, so I let her. Now, with Rafael's new trust, we could do what ever we like without him being suspicious of anything but we still had to take precautions.

        I would have a new mask, but this time it was different. If anyone tried to take it off, they wouldn't be able to. I would be glued down to my skin, and covered in makeup to make it look as real as possible. Her name would be Eliza Carter, an accountant who Luisa met while on vacation to the Bahamas.

      We got into the car, after the kiss we didn't know what to say, "Hey-," we both cut each other off, we giggled just like old times, we talked about Mateo, Ellie, and Anna. How lonely we felt without each other, and of course reminiscing about the old times that we had. We were young again, I wasn't a criminal anymore, we were just a regular, normal couple in love, and nothing could ever break us apart.

      We arrived to the Marbella, I didn't want to go, but I had to get used to the family if I wanted her family to trust me. I figured since Rafael had forgiven Luisa so much for her "pushing me off a roof," he wouldn't test me this time. 

     Walking through the Marbella with Luisa in my hand was the most joyous thing in the world, weights had been lifted off my shoulder. Everything was clearer and I knew I wanted to be with Luisa. I know scientist say that sociopaths don't how to love, but they were wrong, with Luisa everything was different. I was honestly scared to come see Rafael, I didn't want to be taken away again. We got to the Petra's presidential suite, and we were greeted with a smile. It was Rafael, Luisa had the biggest smile on her face. Seeing her happy made me happy, I didn't even realize I was smiling until Rafael told me that I had a gorgeous smile.

      "Luisa, who is this new women you have found?" say Rafael looking at Luisa in awe. "My new girlfriend, Eliza Carter." she told him. She was holding my hand tight, so firm as if she let go I would fall to my death and everything that we had worked for would be ruined.  He welcomed us in. In the meanwhile, while Luisa was playing with the kids so preciously, Rafael, Petra, Jane and I talked. "So where did you guys meet?" Rafael asks, Jane and Petra both look at him like he did something wrong, I didn't mind it though, I mean given my history I would ask the same question. "While Luisa was vacationing in the Bahamas, so was I." I said, trying to sound as sure as possible sticking to any easy alibi for where we met. "We were both staying at Atlantis there, and I saw her by the pool, she was drinking a virgin pina colada, and all I could look at was her beauty." Everyone seemed to believe to believe it so I went on, "We made small talk for a bit, but it was a little late and the pool started shut down, I thought I would never see her again," I started to tear up, but I had to stay strong, just telling the story made me realize how much I had hurt her, but I was different now. I don't want to be a criminal anymore and I don't want to be in a world without Luisa. I continued telling them about how I saw her again on the rides, and how we started to ride together and hit it off. Rafael and I actually had a deep conversation after Jane went home to go and write and Petra went to go on a date with J.R whom I ended up liking very much and she liked me too. Rafael and I finally saw eye to eye, and I thought in my head listening to him speak. He never really wanted to take Luisa away from me he just wanted her to be happy and safe just like me. He wanted his family happy and safe, I knew in my heart that Rafael wasn't a bad guy, he was just a person who really cared about his family.


Sorry for this really long chapter, but it felt needed. This honestly was supposed to be a filler to find my trail of thought and I think it turned out nice. Thanks to everyone who read my books. Love you.

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