Lab Rat

516 35 153

chapter memories


I wrote like all of this in one day

and at least half was sleep deprived



Letting out a breath, Izuku pulled his hood over his mess of green curls before glancing down at the thin wad of cash in his hands. He frowned, chewing on the inside of the cheek. It had all he had been able to make for the past week - with the help of odd jobs here and there - but it would only be enough to last him a few days at most.

Izuku began to raise his head when, with only the tickle of his palm as a warning, his hand became empty.

The boy's eyes widened, head snapping upwards as he watched someone bolting down the alleyway, hand tucked in their pocket.

Without thinking, Izuku snarled and raced after the man. After all, it wasn't like he could go to the police.

He squeezed his eyes shut. Hisashi had been discovered earlier than he had expected because, without his knowing, he had been expected for a meeting only 2 days after it happened. When the man wasn't available for rescheduling, someone had gotten concerned and called home.

The boy had enough time to clean the place up - and even dispose of the weapon - but he was useless when it came to further erasure that dealt with technology. Not to mention the fact that he didn't exactly have time to stash away the corpse - the thought of it still made him gag - anywhere that wasn't halfway obvious if you bothered looking for it.

Izuku relaxed his jaw, only noticing now that his teeth were grinding together. With a sigh, the boy shook his head and turned a sharp corner that brought him to a dead end.

He huffed as he stepped forwards, watching carefully as the thief glanced around before turning towards him.

"Give that back," he growled out, hiding his trembling hands behind his back.

The figure at the end of the alley paused for a moment before slowly lowering his hands, only to rip a knife from his pocket. They didn't waste any time in turning the blade towards Izuku, immediately charging towards him.

Izuku's eyes widened as the man neared him. In the heat of the moment, he had completely had the prospect of weapons being brought into the fight slip from his mind.

The boy felt as if he might puke.

As soon as the half-angry half-panicked eyes connected with his, a sudden rush of emotions hit him that almost forced him onto the ground. He couldn't help but see Hisashi in front of him, staggering and bloody as he screamed at Izuku with a raw voice.

"YOU KILLED ME!" his voice shouted in his ear. "YOU'RE A FUCKING DEMON!"

Izuku found his breaths quickening, but he couldn't find it in his will to speak.

"MURDERER!" he spat, pointing at Izuku with a taunting, grayish finger. The boy let out a shaky breath as Hisashi's figure stepped into the light - skin practically falling off and bloated. His bloodshot eyes were trained on the boy, piercing through his very being.

"No," Izuku whispered. "It was your fa-"

Before the boy could continue his thought, he let out a sharp, surprised breath, looking down to see a blade digging into his flesh. His vision blurred despite his widened eyes, darkness encroaching at the corners.

"What...?" he croaked, staggering backwards. Slowly - or, it seemed like it, anyway - he raised his head, staring at the man before him. "You..."

The man narrowed his eyes. "You shouldn't have followed me, brat. Kids like you are nothing but nuisances."

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