Adrenaline Junkie

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I'd like to start this off with a heCKIGN WARNING (actually, expect a trigger warning / general warning every chapter ngl)

anyways there's a scene that's kinda graphic later on and it makes me a lil sick

so errrr

be warned by that one



Izuku remained still for a moment, breathing heavily. He then clenched his teeth and began running his fingers through his hair, muttering wildly to himself. "No, no no. He can't be. He didn't. He-"

Suddenly, Izuku stirred, ears perking up at the sound of a distant explosion. The faint smell of smoke lingered in the air - only whispers of its scent left after the long travel. Raising his head, the boy's eyes widened, instantly drawn to a plume of fiery fumes several kilometers away, the gray wisps melding with the sky as it rose.

"...Smoke?" Izuku mumbled confusedly to himself, brows furrowing. "What-" His heart sank as he recognized the distant flames, scrambling up onto his feet. "Kacchan...!" Although barely noticeable, Bakugou's fire was more yellow than normal flames - and on top of that, the nitroglycerin from his quirk gave it a sweeter smell that was comparable to burnt sugar.

Izuku quickly hurried over to the railing, staring over the horizon at the rising tower of gray, only to pause for a moment.

"Go take a swan dive off the roof!"

The boy blinked, surprised at his own thought. Still, he pondered it for a moment.

If he were to jump, would anyone care? His father surely wouldn't, and judging by the school's response to his quirkless status and constant bullying, nobody there would either. The only person who had ever cared, he realized, was his mother, and she was long gone.

His fingers curled around the bars before him, knuckles whitening as his fingernails dug into his skin.

Bakugou wouldn't care for him in the least. He might've been his friend in childhood, but now? No, Izuku shook his head. They were nothing more than a bully and his victim.

Still, he couldn't help but feel guilty for what Bakugou was going through. Judging by the faint shouts and barely visible scene - as well as the timing of it all - the blonde was likely trapped by the sludge monster he had dealt with beforehand. But...

Izuku raised his head, staring into the wide expanse of the blue sky. Surely some hero will save him. He'll be fine. I won't need-

His eyes flashed with the image of All Might's wound, stomach churning. No... He'll...

The boy squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, wind tossing his green curls into the sky. "He'll be fine," he muttered to himself. "Especially if..."

He raised his foot over the bar, heart pounding. Still, he lifted his other leg over, finding himself on the wrong side of the railing. "Yeah," he smiled for a moment. "Everything will be better if I'm gone."

Izuku felt his grip loosening, body straightening as he looked over the edge. His heart rate spiked and his lungs forced out rapid breaths, but he supposed that was just the body's natural response. Even as he became dizzy and fear coursed through his veins, a calming sensation overwhelmed him.

All of those awful thoughts...

All of those awful people...

All of those awful liars...

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