🌙🌈part 1🌈🌙

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I'm not super great at writing fics, but I'm better suited to focusing on one character than a oneshot book so here ya go.
You are Futakuchi's little sister, who is a now a first year while he's a second year and Aone is a third year.
In case you didn't know, full names are Futakuchi Kenji and Aone Takanobu. I switch between first and last names without warning.

"Kenjiiiiii~" you ran around the house looking for your older brother. He was at the door, pulling on his shoes. Huffing, you glared at him. "You promised to take me with you to see you practice, nii-san!"
"Did I now?"
You punched him in the shoulder. He laughed and patted your head. "I remembered. Are you ready to go?" Nodding, you pulled on your school shoes and grabbed your bag. "Hey wait a sec." He straightened your tie. "You're a girl, shouldn't you be more worried about your appearance?"
"Whatever, let's gooooo." You ran out the door. It was nice to walk to walk to school with your brother, especially because you both left the house and walked back at different times. "Hey wait!" You turned to face your brother. "You walk so slowlyyyy," you groaned. "We're early anyway, there's no hurry." You heard from your classmates that Futakuchi was provocative and laid back at the same time, but to his little sister (you), he was like a doting parent. "(Nickname), you forgot your bento! You're lucky to have me aren't you?"
"Yeah yeah whatever."

You walked to school and listened to Futakuchi ramble on about whatever he was interested in at the moment. The reality of the situation was, while you believed Date Tech was a really good team, as their reputation went, you couldn't wrap your head around your idiot brother being the ace and a member of the famous Iron Wall. This was the kind of thing that you had to see to believe. "(Nickname) are you listening?"
"Don't call me that at school dumbass."
"So meannnnn. We're here, but you have to go up and watch from the bleachers, I don't want you getting in the way or worse, getting hurt."
"I'm not fragile-"
"I'm serious."

You walked in through the side to get up to the stands, but as you went around the side of the building, you knocked into someone and fell backwards. Goodbye cruel world. As you fell, a strong arm went around your waist, and you were pulled back up and set down. You stared at the man in front of you. He was lowkey intimidating, with a scowl painted across his face. You apologized over and over, but was interrupted with an, "Are you alright?" You looked up. It wasn't obvious, but he seemed genuinely concerned. You looked blankly at him. He seemed to remember something, and took about five steps back. He then looked at you for approval. "What... what are you doing?"

Aone p.o.v.

I took steps back as I remembered that people were afraid of me. She looked so small and fragile, and I thought that if I stood too close, I'd break her. "What... what are you doing?" Her voice broke me out of my thoughts. Wasn't she afraid of me? I was so much bigger than her, and my face isn't exactly the most welcoming. "Aren't... aren't you scared of me?"
"I don't even know you, why would I be scared?"
That made sense. That made so much sense. She wasn't afraid of me. SHE WASN'T AFRAID OF ME!

Back to you pov

His eyes lit up after you said that. He seemed like the quiet type, but as you looked at him more... he was sort of cute. In a teddy bear kind of way. Hey don't fall in love after five minutes. He walked back up to you, standing at a normal distance, but he seemed a bit nervous as to how you'd react to that. You studied him for a second, then asked, "Could it be... are you Aone Takanobu of the volleyball club?" He nodded. You started talking about how cool it was that he played volleyball, and how weird it was that your idiot brother was the ace, and how the iron wall was talked about everywhere, and then realized you were rambling. "Sorry I talk so much, I know I can go on and on sometimes..." you trailed off. He looked at you, and simply replied, "I like to listen." You beamed at him. "Then let's talk some more sometime? I'm going to watch the vball practice, and I don't want to hold you back." 

You waved goodbye and headed up the stands, sitting at the front row and waving at your brother. Some of the other players noticed you, and you heard them talking about you, which made you sort of conscious. Shrinking back in your seat, you watched them warm up, stretching and getting ready. Aone saw you and nodded, and you waved back. They played four on fours until it was almost time to go. They were sweaty,  and you squeaked as your brother and Koganegawa pulled off their shirts. No one heard you though, and as Aone pulled off his, you marveled at his muscular figure. Your staring didn't go unnoticed by your brother, however, and he smiled slightly. He trusted Aone with a lot and he could trust him with his sister too. There was only one way to find out for sure. Back to you. You saw Futakuchi smirking and got a bit nervous, but checking your watch, you shrugged it off and headed to class.

*time skip to after school, brought to you by Aone's less appreciated eyebrows. Oh wait-*

You checked your phone and saw a text from Futakuchi. "Practice today. Go home w/o me." You replied "whatever, don't be late, mom and dad are both out of town. My friend is coming over by the way."
"Is she pretty?"
"Kidding, it's ok as long as ur not too loud. I'm having a couple people over too, so get some food? Will pay u back. One might sleep over btw?"
"Ok, dumbass."
You groaned, walking to the grocery store was such a hassle. After getting home, you put the ingredients on the counter and let your friend in. You both tied on aprons, yours being a frilly cat one and their's was pink and had hearts on it. You got to work cutting vegetables and boiling water for curry, and it seemed like no time had passed at all when you heard the door open. "What smells good?"
"Me n (friend name) are making curry. "
Your brother walked in, followed by...

𝕌𝕟𝕒𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕕 (Aone Takanobu x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now