☁️⚡part two⚡☁️

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Your brother walked in, followed by two people you recognized from the practice, Koganegawa and Obara. Koganegawa gapes at you two. "Futakuchi has TWO hot girls cooking for him?!" "Dude shut up! They're right in front of us," Obara hissed at him. By that point, you and (friend name) had stopped cooking and were watching them bicker. Futakuchi whacked them both on the head. "That's my sister and her friend, dumbasses." He patted your head. "Call us when it's done, ok? Thanks again." You smacked his hand off your head, then jumped and smacked his head. "I'm not that short, Kenji! And you three better not make a mess!" He laughed as they walked to his room. 

"Wow, those guys are so tall, I was terrified! Plus they're upperclassmen! How'd you talk so casually to them?" You looked at your friend, confused. "I don't even know them, why would I be scared of them?" They stared at you, and laughed. You both went back to cooking, making a cake as dessert. As (friend name) iced the cake, you decided to take some snacks to the boys. As you walked in the room, you noticed that no one was there. Weird. And that's when you heard it. Your brother's signature snicker. From. Your. Room. You put the snacks on the table in his room, and walked over to yours. Inhale, exhale. You slammed the door open, revealing utter chaos. Your clothes were spread out all over the floor, you closet was a mess, Futakuchi was clipping on your bra and was wearing your skirt, Obara was holding one of your crop tops, and Koganegawa was behind your brother trying to clean up the underwear that was spread everywhere. 

You stared, and they all froze. Suddenly, you heard a scream and a loud thud from the entrance. You all rushed out to see Aone cradling your unconscious friend on the floor. Cue more staring. Then you laughed like a maniac. They all stared at you, as you bent over, gasping and laughing. "Are you ok?" Aone asked you, nervous. Wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes, you nodded. You clapped your hands. "Ok, let's clean this whole mess up before I snap." You went over to Aone, and crouched down to look at your friend. "Aone... what happened?" "Running late... Futakuchi door unlocked... opened door, they screamed and fell." "I see... please carry them to the couch, if its not too much trouble?" He lifted them up and set them down on the couch. You dabbed their face with a wet towel until they blinked, and sat up. "OMG (Y/N) SOMEONE BROKE IN I-" "Shhhhh, that's Aone, he's my brother's friend, he's nice and I'd trust him with my life." They looked at you, and looked at him. 

"He's sort of intimidating... but you always say not to be afraid of the unknown." With that, they stood up at walked over to him. He tensed, like he was about to be scolded, but they held out their hand and introduced themself, apologizing for earlier. He shook their hand, and then everyone looked at you. "Second order of business," you pulled your phone out of your apron and snapped a picture of Futakuchi, "blackmail." Futakuchi opened his mouth to object but a glare from you quickly silenced him. "Last, but most certainly not least, you all have to clean up your mess. Kenji, Obara, and Koganegawa, you three are to clean up my room, fold all the clothing, and put away my underwear. If I catch you doing perverted things, I'll hang you off a building by your toes." You waved a wooden spoon threateningly. "Aone, (friend name), and I will finish preparing dinner, and we'll eat once we're finished. I suggest you hurry, because we aren't waiting, and no one can hold back on OUR curry." The three idiots ran out of the room, and you turned and faced Aone and (friend name). "Let's get started, shall we?"

(Friend name) bounced back to the kitchen, and you were about to follow when Aone put his hand on your shoulder. You were surprised, as he was usually too afraid to touch you, so you smiled at him. "What is it?" You asked kindly. He looked around, nervously, before reaching towards his bag. He looked up at you, and presented a small bouquet of wildflowers, tied with a piece of twine. You gaped at him, and he was about to pull back when you reached out and clasped his large fist in your smaller hands. "They're so pretty! Did you find these! The colors are so nice!" He blushed slightly and pushed them into your hands. "Are they for me? Thank you so much! I'll put them in a vase right away." Without thinking, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around him (they didn't really go around but still-) and gave him a quick hug before running to find a vase. He stood there in shock for a little, before gently touching where you hugged him and smiling softly. He walked over to the kitchen to find you arranging the flowers in a glass vase. He looked at you until you noticed him, and asked him, "What's wrong?" He reached in his bag again, and pulled out a sack. He handed it to you, pointed at himself, and said, "Grew." You looked in the bag to find bright red strawberries. "You grew these?!" He nodded. "This is perfect! I was just thinking we could use some fruit, and these are soooo pretty! Hey Hey (friend name) let's put these on the cake!" 

You washed the strawberries, and took a picture of them before slicing a few and arranging them on the cake. You covered it and put it in the fridge as (friend name) set the table. As a finishing touch, you placed the vase in the center of the table. Aone brought the steaming pot of curry out, and dished some into each bowl. You followed him with the rice, arranging in on half the plate with some carrots cut into stars as decorations. The extra rice and curry was placed at the center of the table (I'm talking too much about food I'll stop whoops) and you placed a serving of food under the picture of your grandparents. Futakuchi and the others hurried through the doorway just as you folded the last napkin under a plate. "Wow lil sis, you really outdid yourself this time. This looks as fancy as a birthday night." "You know (y/n)," your friend said, laughing. "Always so extra," you finished with a smile. Everyone sat down. "Itadakimasu~" 

It was great. The curry was perfect, you all told funny stories, and it felt like you couldn't stop smiling. Even Aone smiled a bit. After the curry, you brought out the cake, which Futakuchi reached a finger out for. You slapped his hand down. "Picture first." You took a ton of pictures since your friend was in home ec and the cake was beautifully made, before slicing it. It tasted as good as it looked, and you were digging into a second piece when your phone buzzed. It was just a notification, but you raised your phone and took some pics of your friend and the boys before noticing something. Aone had a small smile, but it seemed to light up his whole face. Without realizing it, you raised your phone to your face and snapped a picture. When the shutter sound went off, Aone looked at you, with the phone still raised to your face and pointed at him. You blushed and put your phone down quickly, excusing yourself for a minute. You walked out onto the balcony and took deep breaths, trying to cool yourself down. You heard the door open and close behind you, and a voice said...

𝕌𝕟𝕒𝕗𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕕 (Aone Takanobu x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now