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Sooah munches on her sandwich while dozing off, thinking about all sorts of things. Mireun, on the other hand shook her head while looking at her best friend.

"Oi Sooah." She snapped her fingers.

"Huh, what?"

"Send him a text." Mireun wiggled her eyebrows.


"Who else? Your soulmate."

"No, that would be-" Sooah started talking but was interrupted by her phone buzzing.

"Who's that?"

She shrugged before opening the text message chat, reading who it is from.

"Hi, it's Chan." The message wrote from the contact name, "Bang Chan".

"It's Chan."

"Speaking of the devil, text him back!" Mireun exclaimed, spitting out some rice in the process.

"Okay but what do I say like 'oh hi, this is Sooah'? Or 'oh hey Chan.'? Which?"

Sooah sucks at talking to people, even the ones she aren't attracted to— she just sucks talking in general, or texting, same thing.

Mireun took a huge irritated deep breath. "Just go with 'Hey Chan". With an exclaimation mark, just one exclamation mark."

If Mireun wasn't there to tell Sooah what to text back, she would probably text "Ok um I'm Sooah" back.

"Did you send it?" She asked.

Sooah nodded, fiddling with her phone.

"No text back?"

"Not yet, probably busy or tired." She shrugged.

"But you're happy, right? Bang Chan is your soulmate, that's like everyone's dream."

"I am, I just don't know him much yet and people might start attacking me, who knows."

"Right. But the manager seemed so off earlier, I mean it is his job to protect Stray Kids from scandals or whatever but that was about soulmates, you can't change that." Mireun complained with an annoyed groan.

"I guess that's just what he's supposed to do? He was really harsh though, I wonder if he said anything else to Chan afterwards." Sooah said.

"I was so close to just slapping his face but I don't wanna look bad in front of those angels." Mireun flipped her hair.

Sooah laughed at Mireun when a thought came up into her mind.

"There's this thing I've been thinking about..." she started.

"Go on."

"So you know how people say the universe made our soulmates, our soulmates and not anyone else for a reason. I wonder what mine and Chan's reason is."

"I think about that too, why them, you know? But I don't have a soulmate so I don't really care about that, but because you found your soulmate, I'll gladly help you because I know for a fact you won't have any idea on what to do."

"Damn right but kinda hurted."

"I state facts only, sorry." Mireun sassily said, earning a flick on the forehead from Sooah.


Sooah and Mireun left the restaurant they were dining in and drove back home, listening to Stray Kids's songs on the way while talking about all sorts of things, especially Sooah and Chan.

"Thanks Mireun, bye and have fun watching screaming over Changbin!" Sooah waved and closed Mireun's car door.

"Goodbye. Have fun talking to Chan!" Mireun rolled her window down to shout at Sooah before driving away,

"Chan..." Sooah silently caled while looking at her wrist, then proceed to enter her house.

"How was the concert?" Her mother who was drinking some tea in the living room asked.

"It was alright but..."

"But what?"

"I might've met my soulmate." She confessed.

Her mother looked at her with a huge smile on her face. "Congratulations! I knew you would find them one day. Anyway, your soulmate is a fan of Stray Kids?" She asked.

"No, my soulmate is a member of Stray Kids."

Her mother gasped in shock. "That's wonderful he must be a great person, I wanna meet him, when can I meet him?"

"Not yet mom, I just met him he's basically still a stranger now."

"Doesn't matter because he is your soulmate. What's his name?"

"Bang Chan, B.C." She showed her wrist.

"What are the initials on his?"

"L.S.A." Sooah replied.

"But there's a problem."

"What is it?"

"During the hi-touch, both of our wrists stinged when we hi-fived and the people there were taking videos now it's all over the internet and to make it worse, their manager decided to be an asshole and said we can't be soulmates because I'm not an idol and stuff." She explained then huffed in annoyance.

"You should expect that from a well known idol but there must be a reason why the universe made him your soulmate." Her mother reassured.

"But this hasn't happened before, as far as I know. Idols's soulmates are idols too. Like Hyuna and Edawn, Jihyo and Daniel, Momo and Heecul. The list goes on."

"Then you're lucky, everything happens for a reason anyway."

"Oh, and remember this keychain I bring everywhere?" Sooah showed her mother.

She nodded and waited for her daughter to continue her words.

"I lost it during the concert and guess who found it."

"Chan?" Her mother guessed instantly.

"Yes, and it doesn't stop there. Chan resembles a wolf and that is his emoji on sns, remember what granpa told me?"

"Of course, a clue to who your soulmate is. Did he give it back to you personally or?"

"Yeah, Chan gave this back to me personally then we exchanged phone numbers but the manager and fans still scare me." She sighed, clutching her wolf keychain.

"It will all be okay, they all can stay mad because you two are meant to be."

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