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"I brought chocolate!" A sweet voice cooed as she entered Stray Kids's practice room.

In an instant, all of them turned to the owner of the voice with a smile, tired from practice.

"Thank you, Kyora!"

They all sat in a circle and started snacking on the box of chocolate she gave.

"Reminds me of the times Sooah used to bring us these." Seungmin said to himself but others heard.

"Don't say her name, ever again." Minho sternly said.

Chan kept quiet, on his phone. He didn't even bother to eat anything.

"Don't you want some, Chan?" She handed him a bar of kitkat,

Which he rejected.

"Chan, can I talk to you?" Seungmin asked.

He nodded and followed him out the practice room, leaving Kyora and the rest.

"If it's about Sooah, don't say it. I need time to think."

Seungmin ruffled his hair and sighed.

"I know you don't believe Kyora."

Chan stayed silent, letting his back fall onto the wall, resting on it.

"You know I'll choose Sooah over anyone, you know I don't believe Kyora." He said.

Seungmin's eyebrows furrowed. "Wait, what? You just said you don't believe her last week."

"I know, I had to put on an act."

"What for?!"

Chan was going to tell Seungmin his reason but sniffles were heard behind them.

"Y-you guys don't believe me?" Kyora wiped her fake tears.

Seungmin and Chan exchanged glances but the door swung opened, revealing Minho.

"What's going on?"

She turned and ran into his arms, fake crying even more. "They said they didn't believe me but still believe Sooah instead."

Minho turned from Kyora to Seungmin and Chan with a furious face.

"I can't believe you two."

"Minho... they don't believe you, just leave." She sniffled.

"Leave the group."

He widened his eyes and looked unsure, how could he just leave the group he has been with for the past 3 years and the people who have been together with him, just for his soulmate?

"I've been working so hard to get in to Stray Kids I-"

"Leave." Kyora's grip tightened on his wrist.

"Fine, I'm leaving the group." He spat and left with Kyora, a visible smirk plastered on her face.

"I'll ruin Sooah's life and everyone around her's life." She said to herself.

"So we're seven now?" Chan crouched down and hid his head in his hands.

The practice room door swung open again and the rest of Stray Kids walked out, seeing Chan crouched on the floor, Seungmin next to him and Minho nowhere to he found.

"What happened? Where's Minho and Kyora?" Jeongin questioned.

"Kyora convinced him to leave the group."

All of them threw different glances at each other, not believing what they just heard. All these years?

"Are you for real?" Jisung asked with knitted brows.

"Guys, please. Believe Sooah, not Kyora. If Kyora was that nice, she wouldn't have made Minho leave us." Chan stood up and shouted with teary eyes.

"You're defending her now? After betraying her, now?!" Seungmin grabbed his shirt collar in anger.

"I had to do that to convince Kyora I believed her when I don't."

"I found something that I think she didn't want anyone to!"

Seungmin's grip on Chan's collar loosen and all seven of them stayed quiet. So quiet.

"What did you find?"

He took a deep breath and began explaining. "I was helping Kyora bring some snacks to our practice room then I accidentally knocked her phone down. I grabbed it just in time before it hit the ground and I saw her texting someone about her 'plan' working. I didn't see much but I saw her saying that she made us all turn our backs on Sooah."

"Why..." Hyunjin fisted both his hands.

"Why did you just told us now?! I was so mean to Sooah, I turned my back on her."

"I'm sorry, I couldn'y find the right time to tell you all considering that Minho and Kyora were with us almost all the time."

"Okay, now that this is settled, Chan, go to Sooah right now. She needs your apology."

Chan nodded and raced back to the practice room to grab his keys and ran back out, sprinting down the stairs.

"I was so mean to Sooah." Hyunjin crouched on the floor and sobbed.

"We all were, once Chan apologizes, we all can apologize too." Felix sat next to Hyunjin and patted his back, also feeling guilty.

"I won't be. I've been the only one who has been visiting her, being nice to her, believing her-"

"We get it, stop making us feel worse." Jeongin whined with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.


Chan sped to Sooah's house as fast as he could. He got down and knocked on the door but there was no answer. The lights were also all off and her car wasn't there.

"She must be at work." Chan said then ran back to his car and drove to the SM building.

Upon reaching, he was ready to run into Sooah's arms and apologize 100 times, pleading for her to forgive him but the sight in front of him broke his heart completely.

Sooah was with Jaehyun.

Her face was so much happier. She kept on laughing on whatever Jaehyun was saying.

With a broken heart and tears slipping out his eyes, Chan drove back to the JYP building, DAY6's Letting Go played from his playlist, making him sob even more.

He didn't want to let Sooah go.

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