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Rain. Traffic sounds. Failing alarm clocks. This is everything Damien has to deal with on this Monday morning. He sprints from the office stairs out into the crisp, damp streets. It was odd for Los Angeles to see this much rain in September, but not even the meer mortal that is Damien Haas can control when and where the skies wanted to pour.

"Shit," he whispers under his breath as his foot splashes into a shallow puddle, soaking the hem of his jeans and vans. He was already late to work today, fate couldn't spare him dry clothes either.
This was the new routine for Damien; besides being late, coffee runs are the new mornings for him. He is the office bitch, excuse the harsh language, not that anyone would disagree with the title. Being an intern these mundane tasks are expected. Although Damien is much more interested in learning the works of editing and acting, he needs to start at the bottom of the totem pole. Therefore, coffee.

He grabs the door to Beck's and hears the familiar, yet annoying, chime of the bells. No this isn't Starbucks or Peet's or even Coffee Bean; everyone in Smosh and Mythical we're not settling for sugary excuses for caffeine. Plus Beck's was only around the corner from their building.

Warmth fills from the tips of his fingers to the top of his head as he steps into the shop. It is pretty abandoned for 8 am on a Monday, but Damien shrugs and continues his way to the counter. He scrambles through his pocket to find the full list of drinks to order. His guess is he'll have the orders memorized by November. Right now learning the cast and crew's names are more of a priority. He reads the list to the barista and pays with the company card.

He walks over to a table once the order is being made. Damien sits alone in his thoughts as he looks outside at the grey skies. His feet are a bit cold from the puddle, but nothing he couldn't handle. California rain is nothing compared to his hometown. He loves it here though. He's eternally grateful Shayne was able to land him this job. They had done a few acting classes together and became really good friends after. Many auditions they both would go together, and majority of the time Shayne landed the rolls while Damien sadly had not. He was almost ready to give up, but then Shayne offered for him to apply at Mythical. He saw a drive in Damien couldn't find within himself. The roles Damien went for were not made for him, but maybe Smosh would. This may not have been the most ideal job position, but it was something.

A small opening in the clouds started to form, and little rays of sun peaked out.
Maybe today won't be as bad. He thinks to himself. A rough start couldn't hold him back. He is supposed to help edit some "Game Bang" videos with Kevin today. Damien studied the weather as the bells on the door chimed. He snapped his focus back to where he was. Coffee.
He hadn't realized the order had been ready for about five minutes or so. As he went to stand and grab the large order, he bumps into a person.

"Sorry ma'am." He blurts out and shuffles to the counter. He is so out of it he hardly notices anything. Rushing out the door, he makes his way back to the office.

Luckily the rain was barely a drizzle when he has to walk back. He holds two full drink carriers with very hot coffee (maybe a tea or two, but who actually remembers), and walks up the stairs to the third floor. Of course since he's begun working, the elevator has been out of service and under repair. Damien's arms and legs begin cramping a bit, but he makes it in time before a big accident could occur. There is a meeting going on as he passes out the drinks. Looking back and forth from the type of drink to the list, he locates the drinks to their owners. Or so he thinks. A girl with short blonde hair waves him over.

"Hey Damien right?" She whispers as the man with the glasses is talking at the head of the table. Ian. Damien reminds himself. The one who hired your dumbass.
"Yep that's what they call me," he says back.
"I think you gave me Olivia's drink. I'm Courtney," she giggles a little to play off the small mistake he made and to spare him some embarrassment. "Don't worry, I kinda wanna see her reaction to black coffee instead of her normal tea." She points over to the girl with long black hair. The girl, Olivia, winces and almost gags as she takes a big sip of the wrong drink. Courtney giggles and slides her drink over to Olivia, gesturing the obvious mistake. Olivia gives a glare at Damien, but smiles once she sees Courtney's reaction. To spare himself further embarrassment, Damien exits the meeting and recycles the drink carriers.

Hopefully no one else's drinks are switched. Damien sighs to himself. He is pretty terrible at remembering names, granted this is barely week two of working here.

Onto the next task, he begins filing some papers for the writers. He thinks he's getting pretty close to a lot of them; Monica even asked him for some input on a game sketch idea she had. Maybe behind the camera, in the writer's room, is where Damien belongs. He is saddened by the thought of that. He loves entertaining and doing charismatic voices for people. He just needs to prove himself worthy.

One day.

Small Talk and the Coffee Shop- Damien Haas x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now