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Books. Bitter sips. Monday mornings. (Y/N) always had a liking to the publicly dreaded start of the work week. Granted, she did not have work today, but that didn't stop her from going into Beck's anyways. These mornings are her favorite. Time she spent for herself to relax and read whatever ancient literature caught her eye the last library trip. The only gross part was the rain today. Yes it's good for the plants and trees and over consumption of water in the city, but it just made everything wet. And that put a more bitter taste in her mouth than the coffee.

(Y/N) walks out of the apartment and heads toward Beck's. It may have been four blocks away, but no where else did she feel more at home. Stacey and Mark Beck, the owners, have known (Y/N) since she was old enough to order her own hot cocoa. This was a space she knew that she could get out of the everyday life and into the fantasy that was her books.

A light sweatshirt, jeans and rain boots covers her being as she walks on the wet concrete. Today's book is Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." A classic she has read before, but this time she plans to dissect the novel into more. (Y/N) is an editor at a local publisher and she one day herself wants to write her own book. But as for now, she breaks down the prose and diction used by these renown authors.

Opening the door, she smells the familiar, warm tones that is caffeine and fire wood. Too busy lost in anticipation, she does not see the man who rushes to get up from his table. They collide quickly, yet softly.

"Sorry ma'am," he mutters to her. She is so taken back from the formality, that she doesn't bother responding. Plus, he seems way to eager to leave the shop as soon as possible. All she really catches is the unique blue stripe within his otherwise chocolate brown hair. Interesting style. (Y/N) is no stranger to fashion hair color, as she has been all kinds of pinks, purples and one time green. Never again. She winces at the memory.

She waves to Lana, the barista and youngest daughter of the Beck's. (Y/N) and Lana are best friends. Considering, (Y/N)'s mom used to take her into the shop every morning, she got to know Lana really well. They carpooled to school, played 'house' in the office room of the shop, and laughed as they attempted to do each other's makeup for the first time.
"From diapers to dresses" Stacey said she snapped pictures of them on prom night. (Y/N) smiles at the fond memory of them.

"That guy was a bit rude," Lana speaks as (Y/N) walks up to the counter. "Still cute tho." She giggles.

"Didn't get a good look at him. Seemed like he had a handful with all those coffees," (Y/N) shrugged. She tried to find reason in the situation.

"Not our problem. What'll it be today (Y/N/N)?"

She gives Lana a glance as if to say when do I ever get something new. Lana laughs and starts making (Y/N)'s drink.

She walks over to her normal table. The one in the far back with the window view. Enough sunlight to help her poor vision and a distance away from the incoming crowd. Not that Beck's was a huge shop, but it allowed (Y/N) to have the space she needs. Today, although cloudy, is beautiful to her. She looks at the sky and sees a small opening in the clouds with the sun peaking through. A little warmth on a gloomy day.

Once comfortable, Lana comes over to join (Y/N) and yells over to her parents, who (Y/N) assumes are in the back, that she is taking her break.

"Alright so spill about the date with Brian on Saturday," Lana leans over in anticipation. "I want all the details."

(Y/N) laughs, "Oh you mean lizard boy?"

"Oh no." Lana giggles and the two talk and talk. From her awful date to everything wrong with today's dating pool. Two attractive women should be able to find some decent men right?

Maybe tomorrow.

Small Talk and the Coffee Shop- Damien Haas x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now