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Late Nights. Tired eyes. And small victories. Damien is exhausted after today. After endless hours of being bosses around and editing on the computer screen, he was ready to come home. Checking the white clock hanging on the wall, he read '11:08'. Damn. He didn't realize he was there that late. Packing up his stuff rapidly, Damien shuts all the lights off in his cubicle. He notices there's one light on still across the room. Should he peak in?

He decides against it and walks down the hall to the stairs. As he steps out into the crisp night, he realizes today wasn't the worst day he's had. Yes he was working late, but he actually got to talk to more of his coworkers.

During lunch, Courtney had come up to him and asked if he wanted to join in them. This made him smile. He wasn't that awful to be around, he thought. Also, he was given the lead in editing a video. A smaller one, but still his own task to take on. These were the little things that made the cold, wet morning not as awful.

As he struts down towards his home, he glances over to Beck's. Why are the lights still on? It looks really abandoned besides a dim light and a small figure at one of the tables. He looks through the window and could see her looking over a book and her laptop. The faint blue light illuminates her beautiful features. He was left breathless; and not because of the cold air.

Damien didn't know what over took him, but he turns around straight to the front door of the coffee shop. He approached the wooden door and opens it, hearing the ring of the bell.

"I'm sorry we're -" the girl speaks, but pauses when she looks up from her work. "Closed."

"O-Oh." Damien stutters, "I've just had a long day and was hoping for a little energy."

"Um. Yeah I guess I can whip something up for you." She stands up from her table and walks behind the counter. "What has kept you up so late?"

"I can ask you the same thing," Damien gestures to her messy table. "I've recently started a new job and got to show how hard working I am."

She laughs a little, "So you're the office bitch and got stuck with everyone's leftovers?" He looks are her a little stunned. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding." He laughs along with her. She finishes making his coffee and hands it over. "My special late night concoction on the house." She smiles up at him

"Oh no I should pay. I insist." Damien says as he reaches for his wallet.

"Stop," She waves her hand up in protest. "I don't want to open the register and the card payment is already batched. Trust me it's okay. I understand the struggle of working late nights." She giggles. Heaven.

He smiles cheekily, "thank you..."


"Thank you Y/N. Have a good night." He exits the shop, but not before taking another quick glance at her.

He creeks open his apartment door and turns on the light. As he is taking his shoes off, his cat, Freyja, runs up to him as if he's never fed her before.

"Okay, okay. Give me a second," He speaks to his pet as if she understands (she does). After he pours the kibble for his kittens, he walks over to the bathroom. He changes into sweats and a big tee after a quick shower. Laying down finally, he lets out a sigh. But not without a smile on his face.

Things aren't the worst.

Small Talk and the Coffee Shop- Damien Haas x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now