Chapter 5

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"You did nothing wrong. The same goes for all of us, We did nothing wrong."

                                                                                                                                        -Moon Kang Tae,                                                                                                                                                                  It's okay to not be okay

Mr. X sighed as he rubbed his forehead. The investors of the project XEED sat around the conference table as they stared at the Chairman with blank faces. They had been called urgently by the Chairman for a meeting on the future of the Specials' Ward.

A quick, sturdy knock on the door broke the silence as a man in a black suit walked in, followed by a young girl. She viewed each person in the room with dull, cold eyes and it felt as if the temperature in the room seemed to have suddenly dropped.

"Bladex! Come here, child." Mr. X's voice finally boomed. The whitehead gave a brisk nod and approached the masked man.
"Is there a problem, sir?" She questioned in her usual monotonous voice.
"I hope not but that is why we're here to figure that out at the end of this meeting." He pointed towards a huge room with walls made entirely of glass. On receiving a questioning look from Bladex, Mr. X motioned to one of the guards to take her towards the entrance of the glass room.

She stepped inside and saw three men seated on metallic chairs, their lips blue and their faces  having  pale complexion. Their fear seemed to escalate as she neared them. She studied the environment quickly. Outside, there were about thirty important men who were silently viewing her every move with curiosity in the room, she was faced with three scared, fragile young men who seemed to be cautiously looking at her every move in fear. She looked at the only person she was familiar with, the Chairman, to seek some guidance when she saw him reach for a mic and say, "Zèro".

The word resounded in her head, a million times. Her head started to pound, she heard screams and laughter, cries and gun shots and then all she saw was an old man smile at her as blood oozed out of his chest. She heard a young girl's shaking voice,"Kozèro?".
She screamed, as she grabbed her head hoping the pounding would stop. The screams were back. Dark images flashed before her teary eyes as her knees dropped to the floor. "MAKE IT STOP!!!!!" She yelled into the darkness. "Darling, we did nothing wrong." A voice called out to her from the dark as she saw a pale woman standing at a distance. A gun was in her hand and her white dress was stained with blood. But it was not her blood.

Bladex dashed towards the woman who was now laughing at her hysterically. She grabbed her throat and pinned her to the ground. "DIE!!!!" She screamed, tightening her hold. Suddenly the room was filled with hundred laughing ladies in blood stained dresses. They were all laughing and mocking her.
Her head was hurting and her eyes were red. She yelled and pushed and choked many, but the same woman always reappeared. Bladex began to grow weak. She collapsed on the ground. The laughter and screams inched closer to her and she could do nothing.


The investors were horrified as they saw the young girl scream as she launched herself at the test subjects who were tightly bound on the chairs. With her nails, she scratched them until there were deep cuts on their skins. The men cried out in pain but were powerless against the maniac figure pouncing on them.
Mr X. said some few sequential things on the mic which was directed at her and at the end said "STOP". But she continued and dug her nails in their necks, tore out their hair, smashed their heads into the glass walls. "STOP!" said Mr.X. again but she still didn't stop her rampage while tears continuously slipped down her cheeks as she ended their lives by choking them. Finally when no one was left alive she collapsed, her fingers and clothes soaking in blood and her face, wet with the tears.

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