Chapter one:The princess life

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The rain rolls down the windows slowly and carefully,almost like their careful,careful that their predators are going to find them if they don't stay still but they are also scared as they know they have to run away cause if you don't run away your predators will find you and once they find you they will attack.That was what I used to think about the world,I used to worry about the predators and hide as a defenseless prey,yes that was what I believed until I was ten cause that's when I met her.

Her name was Mukuro ikusaba.I met her while I got lost in the woods one time,my mother never payed attention to me as she was always busy with Sonia so she barely noticed when I left,I followed a butterfly thinking I would get to see a bundle of them but instead I found her,she was shooting a gun at a pair of bottles in a tree I took one good look at her and smiled,knowing she was gonna be my new best friend,I didn't know much about weapons but they did interest me mostly because I was ten and felt like royalty was boring.

Some time after we met and became friends I met the other one,Junko Enoshima. It didn't confuse me how these two completely different girls were sisters,in all honesty that's exactly what people said about me and my sister,Sonia always seemed to me the one in charge,the one who made the game,the one who was the ultimate princess.And then when people looked at me they say a rebel,someone who hated dresses,someone who wanted nothing to do with the Nevermind name.But my sister and I were more alike then they realized,yes we had our differences but we were still siblings and siblings always share at least something in common,in our case it seemed to be the fact that we both wanted something that meant the other had to get hurt while with Mukuro and junko....they seemed to have only despair in common and i'm not even sure they agreed on that.

Junko was the queen of the school growing up,she was the model,the popular girl,the goddess everyone either wanted to sleep with or be with,Mukuro was the quiet one who would make sure we would all be safe and be in no harms,she was the one who followed along but was in control thanks to my arguments with junko.and then there was me,I was the royalty,the princess everyone looked up too,the girl who was only known for having a castle and ruling a town of course none of this talk bothered me,and even if it did those people would be gone in an instant thanks to junko and mukuro.The three of us were the despair team,it's what junko came up with and we just had to follow along,everything was perfect...until it wasn't.

Along my high school year I met new friends,one of those was named hajime hinata,we met when we had to do a project together and soon after became close,he trusted me with everything and I trusted him,he told me about how his life was and how he had this thing that happened to him that made him split into two different people at times,that confused me but it wasn't hard to understand I had been to more crazy shit thanks to junko so this wasn't even the tip of the iceberg,his alters name was izuru kamukura,
He would come out at times and in some of those times I would get to meet him,Izuru was the total opposite of hajime hajime was a guy who was filled with joy and enjoyed being around others,while izuru liked being alone and stayed silent,when I finally did get the chance to meet him it was odd how fast he got attached to me,I assumed hajime was close to me so of course his alter would know about me too but he was difficult to understand,both of them were.When junko found out about the "handsome dark knight" she wouldn't leave him alone,but when it came to hajime she left quicker than a crow seeing someone,there was this one time where I forcefully had to pull her away because she wouldn't leave hajime alone since he still had izuru in him and she could change him.While I was in school I meet other people,chiaki was a good friend I met,chiaki was a friend of hajimes so he introduced us.

Mikan Tsmuki was another girl I met,well not really met,she was a new maid that my parents brought for me and my sister since it seemed we could use the help,but we still started to talk and got along easily,junko didn't seem to like her since mikan seemed to have a thing for junko and wouldn't leave her alone,I couldn't blame mikan though,nobody seems to be able to resist junko."princess!" I hear a soft voice say beside me,I look to my left to see mikan staring back at me "Hmm? Oh..yes mikan?" She seemed nervous,she was tugging at her hair and couldn't stand still,it made me think she saw a ghost...or worse a certain pigtailed strawberry blonde..and just my luck one of those was correct. "Miss.Enoshima is here.." she whispers as she looks out the door she came in,if she doesn't wipe it away I couldn't have noticed her drooling. "Is mukuro with her?" Mikan shakes her head and grabs my hand as I begin to stand up from my spot on the window."is she here alone?" "No ma'am she seems to have brought a boy with her..." It doesn't take me long to find out who mikan is talking about,as I get to the door and look into the hallway I see the sight I didn't wanna see but imagined I would be seeing.

Junko and Izuru.

junko seemed to be ranting something to izuru but he doesn't pay attention,he seems to look everywhere but at her and then his eyes meet mine,it seems like junko didn't take long to notice me either as she begins to jump excitingly "y/n~,do you happen to be using your execution room!?" I give her a worried look and she laughs "it's nice to see you too junko.." I say as I make my way over to the pair,izuru doesn't take his eyes off me until I'm standing in front of him,"y/n..." he whispers and I can tell he's happy to see me,even though junko thinks she knows everything about her precious izuru she really doesn't know anything or at least not that I know off," nice to see you!" He gives me a small smile and then turns to junko again. "Right,so the execution room??" I stare at her like she just asked me where to hide a dead body..because she basically did,

"I don't have a execution room junko? And why do you need one?" She looks at me in disbelief and dramatically gasped "Of course you have a execution room! And if you don't then you just haven't found it yet" I shake my head and look at izuru,I'm obviously not gonna get an answer from her so he's my next big help, "what's going on?" He stays quiet for a moment before looking back at junko and nodding,I stay confused and get even more concerned at what happens next.Junko smiles and grabs something from behind her and throws it in front of me...only it's not an object but rather a person.

{Note:I apologize for how long that was..believe me most of these story's are gonna be that long so sorry if you don't like that}

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