Chapter Three:And you are..?

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I knocked on the door carefully at to not alert both mikan and the boy in there,after a few moments mikan finally opens the door "Princess!" She sounds shocked to see me,half of the time she sees me she's scared or shocked when she first came here I didn't understand why but after a few months of her being here I got used to it as I learned that it was just her being her.I gave her a smile "Is he awake?"  She nods and opens the door wider for me to come in,when I walk in I see him sitting on the bed,he's staring at the wall and I try my best to not make a noise but of course I have to talk to him and find out who he is "Excuse me?" I say quietly but loud enough for the people in the room to hear he snaps his eyes from the wall to me,he stares at me for a while and I can't tell if he listened to me or not the first time so I talk again,

"Excuse me..?" That seems to snap him back to reality as he looks down "Sorry..." he apologizes but I don't understand why, I'm about to ask another question before I remember mikan, i turn around and look at her still standing in the door "Mikan could you leave us alone?" She takes the hint and leaves the room,once I hear the door close I look back at the boy. "I'm Y/n Nevermind " I take out my hand and give it to him to take,he stares at my hand but takes it "Nice to meet you" I wait for a moment to hear his name but I don't hear it "And you are..?" He stops for a moment and I think he's trying to lie to me but then he speaks "My names Nagito Komaeda"  I take my hand back and sit down next to him "Well it's nice to meet you!" I let out a small laugh and I see him smile.

it was silent for a while until he spoke up " did I get here?" I stay quiet for a moment and think,I have no idea what he remembers and I also don't know who he remembers,for all I know he doesn't remember junko or izuru. "What do you remember?" It's his turn to stay quiet,he looks at me and then looks back down "I was walking somewhere I wasn't supposed to.." he's obviously worried about what he's saying after hearing who I am but he continues "The last thing I remember is getting knocked out and seeing two people standing over me" "Right,those people brought you here" If he didn't look confused before then he's definitely confused now "Why did they bring me here..? Why not just kill me when they had the change?" Surprisingly I have a answer for both of his questions. "Those people were Junko Enoshima and Izuru Kamukura,they brought you here because-" I stop myself,how do I tell him that the people who knocked him out and basically kidnap him are actually my friends? "Are you okay?" He asks with a hint of concern lacing his voice,I'm guessing I spaced out for to long for him to be concerned,I take a breath and speak again,

"Those people are my friends so they brought you here as a execution" He doesn't look upset which is shocking to me considering what I just told him, "Who would have known..a princess being friends with criminals" "They aren't criminals!" I raise my voice a little at him as he calls them criminals,izuru may seem like a criminal but once you get to know him he's actually a really quiet and sweet guy yes maybe i'm not one to talk since he's my closest friend but still,and junko? Well same thing apples to her yes maybe she's more than a little insane but she's not a criminal at least not yet. "Sorry..I didn't mean to offend you" he looks down and I realize he doesn't know him he just knows that they knocked him out, "No it's don't know them" the room goes quiet and I try to think about what to say but he beats me to it "Well even though I have a few more questions I should get home.." He begins to get up and I let him until I remember my promise to junko, "I must apologize for not telling you this sooner but you can't go home" His confusion comes back and it makes me rethink my promise,but I know junko and I know how she deals with broken promises,sure we didn't do anything to "seal" the promise but to junko and I a promise doesn't need to be "sealed" and since we trust each other she knew I would do what she said and It was the same for me with her. So with one deep breath I explain to him my promise to his kidnappers.

Once I'm finished his confusion seems to have left as he nods and agrees to what I've said "A-Are you serious..?" It's time for me to be confused,I would have expected him to be upset and disagree or maybe even be mad but surely not agree straight away "I'll be you're personal butler right?" I nod and I notice him smile as I hear him mumble something about spending time together,I'm about to ask him about that before his gleeful face looks at mine "Then i'll do it!" I smile at him for a moment before I look at the window and notice the sun going down,I decide to leave and go back to my room since what I've needed to fix is fixed now. I start to move towards the door but I stop myself and say one last thing "The girl who came in here first is mikan she's one of our maids,she'll bring you fresh clothes tomorrow and you'll start your job" I try to use a cheerful tone instead of a strict one to try and comfort him,he understands what I'm trying to do and smiles "See you tomorrow then" I give him a smile back and mumble a small goodbye before officially leaving.

To serve and To love~ (a butler nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now