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When I look inside the mirror I see a monster.
I see a horse with a white mouth and a bloody tongue.

When I look inside the mirror I see a monster.
I see the forgotten face of a little boy.
I see a pain trying to rip its way out of a body.
I see the blood and I see the milk.

When I look inside the mirror I see a stranger. Someone who doesn't look at mirrors anymore.
Or at cameras. At phones. At faces.
I see oblivion and a less than human state of mind.

When I look inside the mirror I see peace,at last. Flickers of joy sometimes.
I see pride and I see fear.
I see secrets and I see screams
and I see love and lives wasted.
I see flesh instead of bones and I call it day.
I see my mother's hands and eyes that are mine alone.
I see, at last I finally see.

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