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Laura's POV

After I heard that my best friend joined the army I decided to become a nurse and help soldiers in Afghanistan , hoping that I'll get to see her and make sure she's okay. Danny and I agreed that after I leave he'll move in with his friend Drew. But obviously things didn't turn out as planed because I'm currently being held captive somewhere in Afghanistan and I have no clue where Amanda is and if she's okay.

A bomb exploded near our campsite and a lot of our equipment was lost and destroyed and a lot of our man and women died. I was able to only save some of them but after 2 months of trying to find a shelter we were caught. They decided to keep me because I'm a nurse but no one else survived. That was 3 months ago and I still haven't lost my hope, I'll find my way out.

1 month later....

We arrived to another stop, we'll be staying here for about a week but after that they decided that they'll take me with them to another country. I don't want to go, I just want this to be over. Maybe.... maybe I could run away tonight, it would be really if they caught me but I can at least try, but not tonight. Tonight there are too many night guards. Perhaps tomorrow I'll be able to come up with a better plan than just running out and not stopping until I find a safe place.

Amanda's POV

Tonight is the night. I managed to convince Jackson to let me leave. Weird guy, that Jackson. I'm not sure what is it about him but he's just super creepy. Is it his long hair? The fact that he always wears black? Or perhaps his purple eyes... He looks familiar but I just can't remember why. Maybe he has a sister or brother that I already met.

Unfortunately I couldn't take any vehicles because not only would my people hear me leave but also the enemies. I had to walk, who knows how long that'll take. But I have to do this, for Laura.

After two hours of walking and accidentally going in the wrong direction two times I could finally see a camp site... I really hope it's not our campsite. again. Anyway as I got closer I could see that it was the enemies base. I saw someone sneaking out of a tent so I quickly crouched down. I looked up and that's when I saw her. 


She looked beautiful as fire, that was slowly going out, lightened up her face. Her hair was tied in a ponytail, she was wearing a nurse uniform that was already very dirty from traveling trough sand and desert. But what was she doing outside? I noticed that all guards that were supposed to be on a watch were asleep. I looked back at Laura as I got up and started walking towards her. I tried to be as quite as possible. I was just about to reach their tents and call Laura over to me.

Then all of a sudden I heard a gunshot. I looked to my left and saw a soldier holding a gun towards me.

A/N: I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I'll try to have a chapter out every day even tho it will be short. I'm having a lot of fun writing this.... okay maybe a little too much fun

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