𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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Last time~

After I was done I put the med kit away and lifted her up, putting her on my bed. That training really paid off after all. After Danny bought all those Nutcracker guys I had to start putting them away because he would always put them in the way, making me trip. Once I carried 5 at the time, dragging them from top floor to the basement, which at that point, was just full of nutcracker guys. Anyway, Amanda was sound asleep on my bed and I couldn't be happier to see her.


She's been laying down in my bed for the last 10 minutes, looking all beautiful and hot and I just- No Laura!! Focus, you have a husband for Gods sake! But I just can't help myself, why should I hide who I really am just to fit society's standards. I lean in closer to Amanda, if I could just kiss her and the lips it would be like nothing, she doesn't have to know. It's not like she feels the same about me anyway.

Amanda's POV

Am I dreaming or am I dead? When I passed out the pain was still there for a little while before it started slowly disappearing, so either I died and that's why the pain is gone or someone helped me. In case it is a dream then it's a beautiful one. I am smiling and I feel happy, I'm sitting in a beautiful meadow and next to me..... Laura. She looks beautiful in a white dress and her hair in a braid. She looks happy. I look down and.... we are holding hands? 

I look back up and see that she's leaning in, closer. My eyes automatically close as our lips collide. It's amazing, her lips are so soft... When I open my eyes again I see that I'm laying down in a small room? Tent maybe. I look over to my right side and see Laura, crouching down besides me. She's looking at me with wide eyes, blushing and biting her lower lip. What happened?

Laura's POV 

I leaned in and finally kissed Amanda. Her lips are a little rough, being here must've been exhausting. All of a sudden I hear her let out a slight moan against my lips. I quickly move away, already missing having her lips against mine. I look at her and all of a sudden SHE OPENS HER EYES??! Was it because of my kiss? I feel heat rush to my cheeks, then she asks me "What happened?" do I tell her?

Do I tell her that I just kissed her without her consent? That I have feelings for her? That I became a nurse and joined the army just for her? That throughout these six months that I've been held captive she was all I could think about? All I dreamed about? I'm pulled out of my thoughts when she gets up and puts her hands on my shoulders, pulling me into a hug. I warp my hands around her and bury my face in the crook of her neck. 

"It's alright, you can tell me" she says with a slight smile.

"Well while you were asleep..." I start "yes?" I'm not sure what I should say. If I tell her the truth she might get angry at me and leave me here to rot, but on the other hand she might say she loves me too and then we can be together. "Amanda, before I tell you anything you need to know that for a while now I have had feelings for you, romantic feelings. And I- I love you Amanda." There I fucking said it.

She doesn't answer me for a moment and I start to think I blew my only chance of getting out of here and spending any of my time with her ever again. She'll probably tell Danny and Drew and than Danny will leave me and Amanda will get a restraining order. "I'm sorry" was all I was able to say. I look down at the floor in shame and start to get up but before I'm able to get up even half the way I'm already being pulled down. Amanda grabs my hands and pulls me on the bed with her. I fall on top of her and she kisses me with passion.

A/N:  Woo-hoo!!! They finally did it! Now all they have to do is get out of there and fake their death and get married. After that they'll finally be happy or something like that. (so no this isn't the end if you were wondering, I'll keep writing this shit)   :))

Also isn't Laura just the cutest in that picture above. 

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