He Saved Me

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My life was pointless, dark, and alone.
I felt no desire to ever leave my home.

The times were hard and depression is what kept me.
I used to always cry and think that no one could help me.

I lived life joyless, with no determination.
Day after day was the same problems with temptation.

I was ready to give up and lay myself down.
But Jesus Christ is the one that I found.

I was rescued from that world and that mind mentality.
Because Jesus Christ was the one who died for me.

No more sickness, no more pain, no more tears I have to drain.

He said he would be there for me always and forever.
He won't leave nor abandon me, nope not never.

My father, my friend, my counselor, and redeemer.
I cherish every moment I am able to hear him.

He helped me through the worse, the bad, and the good.
Glory to God because he never left, he stood.

Faithful is our God for he won't leave till he's done what he's promised.
He's my map, my GPS, and my compass.

I won't lose faith in my God never.
Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

So when you're tired of the old life you're living and ready to turn that page.
Don't hesitate, just do it, and remember; God will be with you till the end of the age!

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