Charlotte - Every Friday

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"Shh!" I nudge him, sitting on the couch, as the next episode plays. Since it's Friday, and it was my week, me and Ashe walked to my house for our weekly TV binge. Right now it's Seinfeld, a few months ago it was Phineas and Ferb, next we've agreed on Friends since both our moms have it on CD.

"You can't Shush the awesome."

"Then why are you?!"

"What?" He tilts his head.

I put my hand out to the TV, "You're talking over Jerry Seinfeld. How else are we going to meet him and talk to him about his show?"

"When are we really going to meet Jerry Seinfeld, Charlie?" He puts his feet on the small coffee table.

"My dad just saw him a few weeks ago!" I tell him, taking a handful of popcorn.

"Yeah, but your Dad is John Mulaney. He knows everyone."

"Says the son of Seth Myers," my voice muffled by popcorn and diet coke. "So watch and then we might meet him. And I'm going to Boston tomorrow. So come on. Watch!

He scoffs and looks at the TV again.

Of course it had been 10 years since then, and now with going to college, we're both making the most of New York while we're still young.

And, I've taken him with me to Fifth Avenue for some last minute present shopping before I have to leave for Boston.

"If we're present shopping, then why are we in a dress store?"

"Because I still have to look nice. This is my family, Ashe. They all hate me because I'm my Papa's favorite. I might as well try to throw them off with my beauty."

"Is your Mom going?"

Ashe is the only person I've ever confided in about my mom. So as much as I really don't want to talk about it, I know I have to with someone. "Who knows." He holds up a green cocktail dress, I look up and shake my head. "She's still in Canada for some movie. Where do these things even come from? As soon as she's finished with one thing she locks herself in the office writing another."

He hold up another grey one, I shake my head again, "Have you talked to her lately?"

"Not really. And I know my dad would never leave her. It's all just so messed up. And he does deserve better."

I look up to see him with his head inside a dresses hanger, "Do you think I could make this work?"

"You're and idiot," I laugh. Pulling out a long red flowy dress.

He shrugs, "What? I think it's rather nice."

"What about this?" I hold it against my body.

"Yeah, add it." I hang it on the rolling hanger provided at the front. Rather than a shopping cart, it's a clothing hanger.

"Well we're having a 'Christmas Memorial'," he uses hand quotes.

I go through more rows of dresses, "Well that's nice. You will be out of the city for once."

"But we have to go to somewhere near Boston. I forget the name..."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, I don't know if it's near where you're going."

"Well we can still go to Boston together! Oh my god, Ashe. It's so nice. Really, It's like a dream land compared to the city."

"I might not be able to leave."

"Oh, yeah. Right, of course." I go back to looking, "But like if you can..." I try to say in a cool way. He laughs at me, "What?"

"You're just to cool for school, aren't you?"

"No! But I'm just trying to take in the most of you while I'm here. They already have me taking internships in London."

"Because you're a genius."

"Well what good is studying Political Science, when it's not the country you want to study law in's politics?"

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way Oxford Undergrad."

I roll my eyes, "Oh shut up. Oh! What about this one?"

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