Ch. 5: Romatt- I'm Sorry, What?

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"Hello! You must be Pidge's brother, I'm Romelle."

"Yes, I am indeed Pidge's brother. So, when did you join the crew?"

"I came to hunt down Lotor.  I wanted revenge. Keith and his mother, Krolia found me and helped me too the Castle of Lions. I wasn't expecting Lotor to already be in the quintessence field. With someone who lived on Altea."

"What did you think of the Cattle of Lions?" Matt asked.

Romelle sighed. "It was beautiful. Although, I was obsessed with revenge at the time,  so I don't remember much. It got turned into the... diamond?.. that powers The Atlas."

Matt smiled at her. "If you want, I can tell you more about the Castle of Lions. I was there for a while. It really was a beautiful ship."

Romelle nodded. "That would be wonderful."

They shook hands and promised to meet again. Suddenly, the ship shook.  "What the eternal damnation is going on!?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Matt asked indignantly.

Romelle looked confused. "The shaking.  What else?"

Matt shook his head. "I felt the shaking, I'm asking about what you said."

Romelle looked blankly at him. "Oh, you Humans use the state of eternal damnation in the afterlife as part of profane exclamations. I assumed it was normal. Everyone says of a lot."

"Technically, your statement is true, but we should work on that."


"How to cuss."

"I thought I just did?" Romelle seemed confused. Rightfully so, as she was an alien.

"I suppose that might count, but you didn't say it right."

She pouted. "What is the right way then?"

Matt smiled cheekily. "You just shorten 'eternal damnation' to 'hell'."

Romelle nodded. "Okay. Next time, I'll make sure to say 'what the hell'."

Matt smiled and played her arm. "I suppose I could just teach you how people on Earth were before the Kerberos mission."

"And I could teach you about the colony!"

"That would be awesome. Have fun. I'll see you later."



Four weeks later, Romelle was laughing and joking with Keith.

There was a sudden wave of turbulence.

"What the hell!?"

Keith stared at her for a good thirty seconds.

"Did I day it wrong?" Romelle asked. "I swore Matt told me out was 'what the hell'."

Keith shook his head and started laughing. "Finally! We've been trying to teach you how to cuss for months!"

Romelle lifted her third finger. It was another thing Matt taught her. "Maybe he was a better teacher than you were," she responded.

Keith shrugged. "That's probably true. When did he teach you that?"

"We meet twice a week to discuss our cultures over lunch. It is very satisfying."

That seemed suspiciously like what Lance said dates were like, but Keith wasn't one to judge, especially since he did that with Pidge occasionally.

"Well, have fun. It's helped your knowledge of Earth quite a bit."

Romelle frowned at him.

They both started laughing. Thus was the life of the Voltron Paladins.

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