Arc 1: Chapter 7

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Alec released his hold on her. Elenor glanced over at him who then sat beside her. They didn't say anything to each other, sitting in silence.

"...You didn't know this would happen right?" he quietly asked.

She nodded, let out a small sniffle.

"Then I can't really blame you. Nobody would ever think they would be sucked into a novel." he muttered.

"You don't hate me?" she asked.

"No I hate you. You made my life a living hell."

"That's true..."

"But like I said, it can't be helped and you aren't at fault."

"So you don't hate me."

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

Alec sighed exasperatedly while Elenor laughed.

"So does that mean you believe me?"

"I don't really have a choice do I? Since you know everything about me, even my backstory."

Elenor nodded, thinking about it, "I guess so."

She grinned before slumping into the couch, "Then that means I can act like how I am around you! Ah seriously this is the best.."

Alec shook his head at her, "How unlady like."

She rolled her eyes, "I never was in the first place."

Alec suddenly remembered something about what Elenor had said, "By the way, what do you mean the main characters?"

She looked at him, "Main characters? Oh! You mean the story plot for this world?"

He nodded. Elenor sat back up properly and began to tell him the whole story for this world. After she finished telling him the whole story, he thought about it seriously.

"So we aren't the main characters?"

"Yup. I'm supposed to be the villainess of this story who will do anything to prevent the two love birds from getting together."

"Love birds?" he looked at her confused at the words she had said.

She waved her hand at him, "Just another word for two people in love."

"I see. Then what happens to you and I?"

"Oh well in the book, I will die from poison which you put in."

"Then what happens after that?"

"You resign your job here since you were only working here because of Elenor and worked for the heroine as her butler instead."

"The heroine?"

"Yeah. You killed Elenor off after the heroine showed you kindness. You would often be forced to do Elenor's dirty deeds until you had enough and killed her."

"If that's how the story goes then doesn't that mean we are going off track now? Since you became Elenor."

"You're right about that. I would like to see those two get together and get a happy ending without me needing to get involved. Plus I don't want to die."

"I probably won't kill you."

"...Can you remove 'probably' please? I don't want you to kill me and I'm nice to you! I haven't done anything Elenor has done to you since I became her!"

"No promises."

"Oh come on Alec!" she glared at him who just shrugged his shoulder at her.

He suddenly turned to her and asked a question out of the blue, "What's your name? Before you came into this world."

"Hyejin, my name was Hyejin."

He nodded, getting up from the couch and headed to the doors of her room, "Well you should go get some rest now, milady."

"You're still calling me milady? Even when I'm not?"

"You are now in her body so of course you are still my master."

"Hm you have a point. Alright then, good night Alec." she smiled at him.

"Thanks for believing me."

Alec nodded and sent a small smile back at her before leaving the room. With the doors behind him closing, he was engulfed in darkness. He had an expressionless face as he got lost in his thoughts. He looked down at his hands before clenching them tightly before walking away.


The next morning she woke up and got dressed. Alec knocked on the door before coming in.

"Good morning milady." he greeted back to his butler mode.

She nodded and smiled, "Morning Alec."

He lightly shuddered, "Sorry. Still not used to this."

"Can't be helped." she shrugged it off, understanding where he came from.

"Where's father and mother?" Elenor asked.

"The marquess is working and the marchioness is in her room."

"Is that so? Then I would like to eat in my room today."

"Very well. I will tell the chef and bring it here at once."

After that, Alec left and returned with her breakfast and placed everything in front of her neatly. Elenor thanked him and ate her breakfast before letting out a sigh. Now that Alec knows about her and the book, she could act a bit like herself around him but she still had to keep her guard up in front of him. Although he believes in what she had said, she wasn't sure if he wouldn't still try and kill her since she was the sole reason his life was like this.

"There's really nothing much until next year.." Elenor sighed to herself, staring at the ceiling.

She was suddenly craving for some simple korean cuisine. Although, the food here was amazing and she would honestly never trade anything for this but sometimes she couldn't help but miss the delicacies from her world.

"Are you alright? You have a frown on your face." Alec commented.

She shook her head, "I'm fine. I miss the food from my world."

Alec tilt his head to the side, "The food from your world?"

"Yeah. We had these things called instant noodles and they are the best things to eat when you're poor and on a budget." Elenor laughed to herself, remembering the old times when she had to save up money for things which resulted in eating instant noodles for almost a month.

Alec didn't speak, only listening to her random story. Pouting, she tapped her fingers on the table, "I'm craving for that food now."

"Maybe you can ask the chef to recreate it."

"No it wouldn't taste instant."

"...I'm afraid I don't understand."

"It's okay you don't need to."

Elenor snapped her fingers and abruptly stood up, "Ah I'm bored! Let's go horse riding!"

"Then please change into appropriate clothing for it milady."

She rolled her eyes slightly but listened to Alec, "Fine fine. I forgot showing ankles is too much for men already."

She turned to Alec and playfully grinned, "You men must be very desperate to be turned on only by ankles."

"I have no say in this milady." Alec immediately replied back to her statement.

Elenor frowned, childishly complaining, "How least say something funny."

"I do not know what is funny to you milady."

"Why does it seem like I'm the one bullying you?" she complained under her breath before heading to the changing room to change into appropriate clothing for horse riding.


Author's note: I forgot to post on wednesday so double update im sorry!!

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