Arc 3: Chapter 56

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Lloyd paused, "Alec as in your butler?"

Elenor nodded, "That's right. Alec is the sole heir of the Cullingford. The only thing he had left from his family was that pocket watch that has been passed down for generations."

Lloyd hummed in response. "So you came here to ask me to get the approval from my father?"

Elenor nodded again, glad Lloyd was quick to catch on to what she wanted. She heard Lloyd chuckling as he crossed his leg over the other.

"I would love to help you my dear friend however," he tapped his finger against the table before continuing his sentence,

"Your lovely butler made a deal with me some time ago."

She tilted her head to the side, "....? What does that have to do with this? And what deal did you two make?"

Deal? This was the first time she was hearing about it and it wasn't even coming from the person itself.

Lloyd shook his head and shot her an apologetic smile, "It's a secret that I'm not allowed to tell. His wishes. And it does have to do with this as it is related with whatever you're doing right now."

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean."

"What I mean is I am unable to help you help make him into a baron."

"And why is that?"

"I can't tell you the reason." Lloyd shook his head, his lips sealed tight.

Elenor glared at him, what's so secretive about this deal that she couldn't even know? If she couldn't get it out of Lloyd for sure that Alec wouldn't even tell her. She took in a deep breath, calming herself down.

"You really won't help me with this?" she dejectedly asked.

Lloyd nodded, "I'm sorry, I really am but I truly cannot help you and I think it's better if you don't pursue this matter any further."

Elenor sighed. She didn't want to give up on this but if Lloyd says then it means it really wasn't worth it.

"...I just wanted to help him." she mumbled to herself but it was loud enough for Lloyd to hear.

"Why?" he questioned but Elenor couldn't answer.

What was she going to say? 

"Oh because I'm not actually from this world and I might go back to my world so I want to help him get everything that was his before I do." Yeah that definitely wasn't the go to answer.

Lloyd noticed her dilemma and smiled, "It's fine if you won't tell me but I do wish someday you will be able to open up to me. You are my precious friend."

Elenor couldn't help but smile when she heard him call her his precious friend. He too was her precious friend in this world. After chatting a bit more, she bid him goodbye and left back to the estate.

She had no choice but to put her plan on making Alec a noble to a halt for now. She'll figure something out later on.

Few days later, Elenor was sipping on tea and having some desserts out in the garden. Alec was with her yet none of them really talked at the moment.

"Would you like more?" Alec asked, holding the teapot in his hands. Elenor nodded and lifted her cup up for him when she heard loud voices coming closer to them.

She raised an eyebrow wondering who would be so noisy around her estate in the late afternoon. She got her answer when she noticed a figure walked towards her with a furious look.

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