Chapter Five

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'Bro. You've driven for more than a day. I'll drive,' Rowan insisted.

'We're already at Eldrys, it's only a few more hours.'

Dorian tried to ignore their bickering by jumping into the Hunger Games. Celaena had almost demolished the pile of candy - and was still going to this very moment.

Rowan reached over to the wheel. 'Come on, I'll drive.'

They were currently trundling up a country by the river, trees on either side sheltering them from the sun's rays.

Chaol slapped Rowan's hand. But the guy held on, and attempted climbing into the driver's seat. 'Shit!' Chaol, Celaena and Dorian gasped at the same time.

Chaol, because the car had just swerved off the road some distance, Celaena because she'd dropped the Crunchie bar she'd been eating, and Dorian because of whose name Effie Trinket had just announced from the reaping.

Rowan snarled. 'Damned idiot. Let me drive. You didn't get enough sleep last night.'

'And who's fault was that? Don't think I don't know what you and chocolate girl over there do every night.' Chaol paused for breath. 'I slept on the damn roof with Dorian!' he yelled.

'... So you could hear us?' Celaena asked, the M&M halfway to her mouth.

'Damn well yes I could!' Chaol snarled, still tugging at the wheel with Rowan.

Dorian looked up finally. And gulped. 'Um... guys?'



Dorian's scream was cut off as the car rammed into a large pine tree.

'Nooo, my baby!' Celaena half-moaned, more worried for the tree than the bonnet of Chaol's car.

Rowan was already outside, fighting away the air bag. Celaena joined him at his side, pouting. 'That's an awful lotta damage.'

Dorian stumbled out of his seat and snapped a quick photo. The bonnet had been pierced, leaving a trunk-sized shape where the number plate should have been. 'You know,' he said, 'there's a better way to use that phrase.'

He flourished his phone. 'For example-'

'There!' Dorian said, sniggering

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'There!' Dorian said, sniggering.

'Are you referring to her or me with that one?' Rowan asked.

'I can't be the demon if you love me!' Celaena exclaimed.

'The grey text said honey, Fireheart,' Rowan pointed out.

'Excuse me.'

Celaena sighed, turning to face a pissed-off Chaol. 'What?'

'My car,' he deadpanned.

'What do you expect me to do? I'm not superman!' she said, rolling her eyes. 'What - we're gonna run the rest of the way to Orynth? No way. Who's got a phone?'

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