What is LGBTQ+

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So I'm not a full expert. I'm a transgender teenager so I do know some stuff but obviously I won't know everything. This title normally has more letters but this is the basic one so it is more understood and easier for me haha. So each letter stands for a gender/sexuality and the plus is for the other sexualities and genders that aren't involved in the title. The terms in the title in the order are: lesbian,gay,bisexual, transgender and queer. I will go into more detail of these in a minute but this is the basics of this title. The plus holds many genders and sexualities and I don't even know all of them yet so this is a journey for me. So let's get into the basic terms.

Lesbian- A lesbian is a woman who likes other woman

Gay- Someone who is gay is someone who likes the same gender. Nowadays, not just men use this term as some woman or other genders feel better using this label

Bisexual- Someone who is attracted to both male and female

Transgender- Someone who identifies to a different gender from their birth gender

Queer- A umbrella term that people either use when they don't want a proper label or don't know who they are yet. It can be used for any sexual orientation; it's just a label

Thanks for reading my first part of this informative book. I will be going deeper into more things and this book really won't have any structure I must warn you but thank you for reading!

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