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Later that night, Harry can't sleep. When he finds himself watching TikToks at 2 AM, he drags himself to the library instead. The house envelops him like a blanket, assuring him he'll forever find comfort between the walls. Despite the fight with his mum, his overall happiness bounces off the walls and reflects on them. In the library, Harry heads for the once-forbidden cabinet and pulls out Lord Tennyson. He sits himself in the bay window with only the full moon and outdoor lighting illuminating the ancient pages. This is the most formative part of his youth wrapped up in a single emotion. Harry thinks of what is to come soon. He knows he won't have much time for reading or writing for quite a while. But then, he pictures bringing his child here and showing them all his favourite books, all the best spots in the house, all the secrets. That baby is with him already and despite not visibly alerting of their presence, Harry knows he's not alone tonight.

"You know," Harry says out loud, his voice bursting the night's silence. He hasn't spoken to his baby yet. He didn't think it would be any good doing it before the baby's more developed, but screw that. "One day, I'm sure you'll find yourself here, sitting here with a good book. I'll bring you here too, and read you something as soon as you gain interest in books. Dr Seuss isn't exactly Tennyson but we'll manage." He chuckles softly, placing his hand on his belly. The day when he finally feels his baby can't come soon enough. "Just sit tight, my little lemon and soon enough, you'll be out here in the world, ready to explore all of its beauty. I do hope you'll love it."

Harry goes back to reading, enjoying the still middle-of-the-night world. Sometime later, he's startled by the lights switching on. His mind goes "ghosts" but then he sees his mum at the door, her fluffy robe wrapped around her.

"May I join you?"


Anne walks the length of the library and sits at the other end of the window. Harry watches her silently, not willing to be the first one to speak. She sighs, "I couldn't sleep knowing you thought I was angry with you and wouldn't support you. It isn't true, love. It's just hard for me to accept that both you and Gem are out there living your adult lives." She chuckles, shaking her head. "I still think of you as my baby, when you're an adult about to have his own baby. I am so sorry for saying all those things at dinner, for seemingly painting you as a fool. I'm happy for you, Harry, I really am. You've always been smart. I know you would never throw yourself headfirst into something you weren't certain about." She puts her hand on Harry's cheek, smiling a little, "I'll always be here for you and you were right, I didn't spend as much time with you when you were little as I would've liked and you have no idea how much I regret it. I know you won't make the same mistake as I did. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Even if you don't have a partner, you have your family still."

Harry bites his lip, trying to suppress both his smile and the tears itching his eyes. "What about Aunt Mildred?"

"Oh, Aunt Mildred can piss off," Anne laughs. "You matter to me the most."

"Thank you, mum," Harry says, breathing a sigh of relief as he grabs her hand. "I know I can rely on you."

"You can," Anne nods. "I'll give being a grandmother my best shot. Although I never thought you'd be the first one."

"Gem always says Olivia is her kid," Harry grins. "So you're already a grandma, technically."

"I guess I am," Anne laughs. "Come here, love." She pulls him into a hug and now Harry truly feels at peace. With his favourite person in his favourite room with his favourite book. If White Willow Manor had a face, Harry thinks there would be a smile on it.

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