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Mattia POV
Today I got a new roommate, and she's not scared of me. She really pretty, but what if I have a episode and do what I did the last time.

We talked and made jokes. Until I heard the voices again. I haven't been taking my meds so....
☁️she pretty☁️
☁️M: who the are you☁️
☁️James: she's really pretty☁️
☁️M:yeah I just don't want her to see my bad side☁️

She looked at me confused, then smiled.
M- what
Y-nothing just I don't why they put you down here by yourself when you are really nice and sweet
M- I lashed out one time like really badly
Y- oh well I wanna see that for some reason
M- why 😳
Y- I don't know I just like crazy you know
M- oh

☁️J: wtf she's hella crazy☁️
☁️M:but a cute kind☁️
😈 omg shut up😈
☁️M: who tf are you☁️
😈your other voice the better one😈
☁️J: Mattia block him he's not good☁️
😈my name is Mattius 😈
☁️M: just like my name ☁️
😈Ma: hit her😈
☁️M:what no ☁️

Yn looked at me confused for a couple of seconds. Then go started laughing.
M-you good
Y- no my voices told me to punch you in the face

She punched my arm really soft and said "boop" I just laughed at her.
Y- I bet that hurt really bad
M- owww that hurt 🥺..... I said acting like a baby
Y- aww do you want me to kiss it 😆
M- yess

She gave my a kiss on the cheek them my arm making me blush. She rubbed cheek then stared at me and I did the same to her.

Then the guards walked in and looked at us shocked.
K- Yn are you crazy
Y-duh I won't be in here if I wasn't
Ale- why are you so close to him
Y- he's sweet... she while hugging me and kissing my cheek
Rosh- he's a freak

I started to get mad .
😈 Ma: you are a freak😈
☁️M: no I'm not☁️
😈 Ma: yes you are show them you are😈

The guards walked in a ruined me and Mattia's moment. And started to call him rude names.

I felt bad for him , because he's really sweet and kind but they are being mean to him.
Y- ok you guys can stop
Rosh- fucking freak
Y- stop it now ..... I said standing up
Ale- show her Mattia , show her the real you
Y- ok that's enough
K- yeah she's right
Rosh- no he's being a little bitch

Next thing you know Mattia pushed me to the ground and started to hit me. I started hitting him. The guards pulled him off of me.
Y- what ...... the...... FUCKKKK
I charged at him and started hitting home and kicking him. He punched me in the stomach making me throw up blood.
Y- aaahhh help
Ale- we gotta call them
Y- I *cough* can't breathe
I fell on the ground holding my stomach and screaming. Kairi tried to help me but it hurt to bad.

Then these paramedic people came in the room and help me, then tried to inject Mattia in the neck.
Y- no no no stop
Paramedic people/pp
Pp- we have to
Y- no don't hurt him please
Y- just don't hurt him please
Pp- sorry but we have to inject him
I tried to get up but I was to weak , so I just fell back on my bed.

I saw the hold him down while he was fighting them , it made me cry seeing them do this to him.

I saw them inject him making him fall on the bed and go to sleep. I just laid there staring at him thinking about what just happened.

Why would he do this to me. He sweet and kind. Why would they come in here and make fun of him. It's there fault this happened.

☁️S: stay as far away from him yn☁️
😈 Quinn: she's right😈
☁️Y: oh so now you help me bitch☁️
☁️S: for the first time Quinn is right stay away☁️
😈 Q: yea he's not goo for you😈
☁️ Y: but I like him ☁️
😈 Q: OMG he just beat the shit out of you and you still like him😈
☁️S: just give up he hurt you physically☁️
☁️ Y: you guys don't see him how I do he's really sweet and gentle, his smile☁️
😈Q: fine then if you want to talk to him😈
☁️Y: Fine I will ☁️

I walked to his bed and saw him sleeping I moved him over and laid down next him. Soon after I fell asleep next to him

Heyy luvs

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