Scene 1 - Take Care of Her

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Between chapter 51 and the epilogue

Keefe POV

I gulped as Sophie left the room, laughing with Jolie and her mother. 

It was now or never.

I anxiously pulled on the end of my jerkin as if that would help my nerves. Usually I wasn't this nervous. But right now? My heart was pounding right out of my chest in nerves. 

Grady frowned, "There is something on your mind."

Yeah, its called not getting beat up with a bat with spikes on it. "Uh, yes, sir."

"And what would that be?" He raised his eyebrow, looking more menacing then ever.

I cleared my throat, and sat up straight in my chair. "I would like to..." I took a deep breath. "I would like to ask permission to marry your daughter."

Grady didn't look all that surprised. In fact, he was scarily calm. His eyes met mine, as if trying to find my deepest secrets. "Do you now?"

I nodded, "Yes sir. I know Sophie respects your opinion and I do to. She wanted me to ask your permission first, so thats what I'm doing."

Grady nodded, though his frown deepened. "And why do you think you deserve my daughter?" He asked, crossing his arms.

I opened my mouth to say one thing, but stopped. I thought for a moment. I took a deep breath, dropping the proper bravado. "I don't. Sophie is the most amazing woman in the world, while I'm just... me. And she deserves so much more." I took another deep breath. Saying it out loud hurt, but I had to tell him the truth. "But despite that, I can assure you that I will love her with everything I have. I would give my life for her a million times over. And I know your worried about me hurting her, but believe me, I would never do anything to hurt her."

"Even if its unintentional?"

"Then I will do everything in my power to make it better." I said determindly. 

Suddenly, Grady smiled and held out his hand to shake my own. I hesitantly shook his hand, and he pulled me into a hug, clapping me on the back. "Take care of my daughter."

(Just remember, this is probably his first hug from some sort of father figure besides Alden, and Alden may not have ever given him a bro hug)

When he released, I stared at him. "We both know Sophie can take care of herself. But I certainly will do everything I can. But, I'm confused. I thought you hated me- not that I'm complaining.

"I just didn't want Sophie to get hurt. I used to think if she got with you, all that would happen was her getting hurt. I can see now that she would be more hurt without you." His smile widened, though it seemed there were tears in his eyes. Since when did Grady, Mr. Burn off you hand if you hurt my daughter or murder you in your sleep if you make Sophie sad, cry? "She loves you very much."

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