Scene 2 - Slowly Drowning

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Chapter 33

My sisters fear had always been water, despite the fact that she could control it. But that didn't mean she could breath under water. And though she was powerful, the water always seemed to come crashing down. No matter what.

Nothing I did could stop it.

If only it could...

If only-

The two most dangerous words out there. If only I could help. If only we didn't go. But we did go. Despite everything, we left trusting our lives in Sophies hands. How wrong we were.

When Sophie inflicted I immediately knew something was off. And when her inflicting cleared... Lady Gisela was just... standing there. As if nothing had happened. She looked like she hadn't felt anything. 

"Oh, Sophie. Didn't I tell you not to do that?" She laughed, the sound empty and wicked. She held up a light leaping crystal, and I made to move for it but before I could reach her she had stepped into the light. She glittered away, I looked around almost as if it would make her appear again. 

"Guys..." Linh's voice was softer then I've ever heard it, weak even. I stopped, listening. Linhs eyes widened in fear, Linh looked down the long hallway. It took a moment for me to hear the crashing sound. Linhs eyes had gone slightly dreamy, but her fear seemed to overshadow that. I gulped as I strained my ears, hoping to understand exactly what the noise was. This time it was easier, as if it had come closer. 


My own eyes widened as I recognized the sloshing and crashing of water. Not just a little water. this sounded like waves. 

Fitz was the first to react, "RUN!" He yelled, already tripping over himself to get to the hallway Linh had been staring at. I made to follow, but stopped when Linh was the only one staying behind. The water crashed through the door, but still Linh stayed. 

"LINH!!" I screamed over the rushing water, racing to where she stood. Before I could get far I was caught. I was pulled back by both Keefe and Fitz. I fought against them, screaming for Linh. No.

She couldn't be...

But I knew exactly what she was doing. 

Hadn't there been two trees in Keefe's prophecy?

The water seemed to crash against an invisible wall as Linh thrust her hands forward. "GO!" She screamed back at me. 

Fitz and Keefe pulled me back, my legs trashing. The shadows around me were thicker then ever before, I barely saw as Linh dropped to one knee. 

I knew she was going to die, but I couldn't let her. I simply couldn't. Still, they pulled me until we reached the end of the hall. Even as I begged for them to wait for her, I knew this had to happen.

I knew... I knew the Linh would die. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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