Harry's crush and Shower Time

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Before you read the chapter, I'd like to say thank u. Okai, so I started this book in 2012-2013. Somewhere between there and I haven't updated much. But I wasn't expecting the comments I got. It shows how much people genially like this book, so Im excited to keep updating it. Every other day, is my goal and I plan to keep it like that. Thanks!


I rolled off Nialls waist, falling by his side. I felt so HAPPY. So energetic and so in love. I looked up at Niall to find him staring back down at me. His hair was wet with sweat and he was softly panting, his mouth flurry open. He looked so amazing, I could literally stare at him for hours.

"You look beautiful like this." He whispered, his hand brushing my cheek. I was covered in sweat aswell, and felt slightly dirty, but I didn't want to leave his warm embrace.

"No, you do." Was the lame answer i responded with. He let out a soft chuckle, before pecking me lightly on my bruised lips.

"I didn't know you were so creative with your hands either." I blushed, covering my face.

"Awh don't be embarrassed love, it's cute." I lightly laughed.

"I feel gross." I muttered. Niall smirked, "let's go take a shower than." He sounded so cocky I almost didnt register his words.

"Wait- let's?" I asked. He already got off the bed, pulling me with him and was rushing toward the bathroom. I kept my eyes high above his waist , blushing when my eyes traveled lower.

"Nothing I haven't seen. It'll be fun! And it seems like you like the view anyway." He winked, him  obviously have caught me.

I just let him drag me and stepped into the shower with him.

Niall began to run his hands through my hair, most likely wetting it. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I could've washed my own hair ya know." I mumbled, enjoying it.

"I know but I love your hair." He responded, placing a small kiss on my forehead.

I blushed. "Close your eyes." He whispered. I obeyed, but felt self conscious that I was naked and he can be looking anywhere if you get what I mean.

"You're so beautiful." He said, and he began massaging my scalp under the water. He began humming a tune, and soon starting softly singing.

"Darling I will be living you
'Till we're 70..."

I quietly listened to him, and he tapped me on the shoulder, signaling I can move. I opened my eyes. I switched spots with him and rubbed soap through is soft hair.

"Would you ever let your natural hair grow out?" I asked curiously.

Niall stepped out of the water, and flicked his hair. He pulled me to his chest and swayed us.

"Why? You think I'd look better? Cause I'd very happily die it for you." I blushed at that statement.

"Oh! Um, no not like that. You'll look amazing if you had purple hair! I was just wondering." Niall smirked.

"Sure. Okay, whatever you say. Let's get out."

I stepped out first, and was shocked to feel a sharp pain on my bottom.

I swung around, blushing really bad.

"Niall!" I scolded, and he continued to smirk.

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself." I groaned.

"I never thought you'd be the type to be a cheeky bastard. More like a cute, innocent, blushy little cutie." Niall laughed, putting a towel around me and kissing me.

"Don't believe everything you see online. Would you like me better like that?" He asked, curiously.

"I don't know. I'm sort of liking this cheeky Niall."


"What's wrong Hazza?" I asked. He asked to meet at his house, and being the most amazing sister I am I agreed.

"Y-you're going to hate me." He said, crying. I was shocked at his outburst.

"What? How can I hate you? What's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"I really like this person. And it's not right, and they don't like me back." I struggled hearing him, as he had his head in his arms.

"Why should you feel ashamed to like someone? You don't know that for sure Harry. Did you ask her?" I asked.

"Because he's a guy! I like a guy! And I'm bi. And he's straight, I know he is." I stayed silent for a few seconds, and Harry began crying harder.

"OH Harry," I whispered, pulling him into a hug.

"I can never hate you. Never. How do you know he's straight?" I asked, rubbing his back.

"He had two girlfriends, and he fell in love with them. And im his best friend. He would've told me if he was. He even said the other day he had a crush on this one girl."

I sighed. I didn't know how to deal with a situation like this.

"That doesn't mean he's gay. He can be bisexual. Even you've dated a few girls, and you're bi."  Harry leaned back from the hug, and I felt my heart feel with sadness.

His eyes were puffy and red, and his curls were everywhere, his mouth in a small frown.

"Even if he was, he would never like me. He's too good for someone like me." I looked at him with my "duh" face and he sniffed.


"You idiot! You're like the cutest guy in this planet! I mean you probably get it from me but-"

"Hey!" He whined.

"I'm kidding. Anywho, like look at you Haz! You're perfect and can have anyone you want. I doubt he wouldn't want you." I saw his mouth lift up a bit and shrieked.

"Yay! Now where are your dimples?" I asked, crossing my arms. He smiled a little more, and I faintly saw his dimples. I poked at one.

"There you go! I have to go talk to Liam right now though." I said, standing up. Harry nodded.

"Thank you D. I needed that." I nodded, and when I crossed halfway to the door I froze and turned around so fast I got lightheaded.

"Woah calm down." Harry joked, feeling a little better.

"You never told me who the person you liked was!" He instantly blushed, and I knew I got him where I wanted him.

I have a few questions. Answer them and I'll update sooner!

1. Who do you think Harry's crush is?

2. Who do you want Harry's crush to be?

3. Do you think Liam still likes Diamond?

4. Do you think Diamond still likes Liam?

5. Do you think liam will Come between Diamond and Niall?




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