Mom Please Stop! ❧ Miraculous Ladybug

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Fluff Juleka x Rose


"Juleka!! Juleka!!" the blonde shouted for her girlfriend. "Juleka!!"

The dark haired female turned back to the familiar voice. "what happened Rose?"

"Um... I was wondering if I could stay the night tonight?" she asked, giving her a perky smile.

Juleka nodded with the smallest smile and together they went to her place.

Rose was beaming, curious to how a night with her mother would be. She was overall very accepting of their relationship.

A little too accepting for Juleka's taste but they were all smiling at the end of the day and Juleka would always love her mom.

"Hey Luka!" Rose waved as they entered, seeing him playing his guitar. "working on a new song?"

"Yup," he answered, giving her a warm smile until they got to the living room.

"I'm going to go tell my mom and see if you can stay over tonight," Juleka told her, tossing her girlfriend the remote. "watch whatever."

Rose nodded and within a few minutes, the two came back out. They sat at the couch together, talking about random things. At some point, they had quieted down to watch the TV show that Rose had decided on.

It was calm and quiet until...


Anarka giggled lightly, uttering a small excuse me. Rose laughed a little with her as well. A certain dark haired female on the other hand, was not very amused. Though, she brushed it aside, hoping that it wouldn't happen again.

Until it happened again.

Only this time, it was louder and she could've sworn that she could smell it as well. The elder woman only giggled and muttered another excuse me but Rose was dying of laughter at the loud fart.

Juleka looked at her mother in horror as she continued farting. She couldn't even fathom how one could even fart so much.

You would think she would run out of gas... but it never happened, much to Juleka's disappointment and embarrassment.

She frowned and curled up into a ball, wanting to disappear for the moment. "Mom please stop..." she begged.

Anarka looked to her daughter who's eyes were welling up in tears and in the fetal position. Her expression soften and she apologized.

"I'm sorry Rose, but I have to get started on dinner. As I said before you'll be staying in Juleka's room tonight," the elder smiled as she went to the kitchen.

"You're mom's funny," Rose giggled.

"My mom's embarrassing..." Juleka hid her face im her hands. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that."

"No no! I don't mind! It was funny, even though it totally stinks now," she laughed lightly.

"I'll get the febreeze, hold on."

Even with Rose's reassurance and her mom's apology, Juleka's humiliation stuck to her, plaguing her mind.

The blonde noticed, her normally so perky attitude being replaced with worry as she saw her girlfriend's tense expression.

The dark haired female sprayed and apologized once more for her mother but still the embarrassment never went away.

"Is everything okay Juleka?" Rose asked.

"I-I just feel like so humiliated right now. My mom just spent like ten minutes farting and I don't know... I just... I'm sorry," she rambled.

"Juleka... I told you... it's fine. I thought it was funny. It's partially my fault, it encouraged your mom to do it more," Rose hugged her girlfriend. "I love you okay? That'll never change."

"Yeah... I know. I love you too," Juleka kissed her forehead as they continued talking and cuddling on the couch.

"I love you too honey!!" her mother shouted from the kitchen.

The two laughed lightly and continued on with their night.

"Stop mom..." her daughter said playfully as a smile appeared on her face again.

Rose's bubbly mood came back as she nuzzled into Juleka. "Yeah... I really love you."

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