Must Read!!

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Before you read this book please note the following, its important.

This story is not for the faint hearted, it not only shows the struggles of living with abuse but symbolises bravery, love, danger but most of all: Strength.

Each Chapter is colour coded, meaning depending on the colour, depending on what the chapters will bring.

Red ~ The colour of many - Strength, anger, love, blood, fear. In this case, this chapter can cause the reader to feel many things however, can also turn unexpectedly.

Yellow ~ The colour of new beginnings - happiness, sunshine, colour. In this case, this chapter could cause the reader to smile, perhaps even make them laugh!

Blue ~ The colour of serenity - Warmth, stability, calmness yet also memory, whether the remembrance is sad or not.

Black ~ The shade of all - sadness, grief, hate but love, danger yet safety. This chapter is the most interesting of them all.

Pink ~ The colour of passion ~ love, tranquility, willing, unconditional. This chapter may being a smile to your face, even at the darkest of times.

White ~ The shade of nothing, yet everything - Your feelings will form themselves. Within this chapter, you do not need a colour to symbolize how you should feel, it's something for you to find on your own.

Green ~ the colour of bravery and beauty - Curiousity, happiness, courage and dedication. This chapter may leave you wondering what's next.

Purple ~ That's for you to find out.

But most importantly - Enjoy the story!

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Thankyou xx

{This story is inspired by Dr Lazy and his book "Impossible Year"}

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