Prologue; White

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White ~ The shade of nothing, yet everything - Your feelings will form themselves. Within this chapter, you do not need a colour to symbolize how you should feel, it's something for you to find on your own.

{🔥Todoroki's Pov❄}

"Problem Children, we have-"
"A new student in the hero course"

He spoke as he pointed towards my small figure, his monotone complexion and bent posture maintaining his tiredness.
I can tell he's one of those teachers who just want to sleep, yet is an excellent tutor all the same.

"This, is todoroki"
He uttered calmly as the older male gently pressed onto my tensed up shoulders to reassure me.

During the teachers introduction, I felt the beady eyes of teenagers walk me up and down, their judgemental glare's the only sound within this silent room.
They all smiled towards me, as if they were trying to comfort me, but like my father said, they are all fakers.

They all pretend like they care, mislead you: and stab you in the back. Well, at least that's all that I have experienced.

My stomach turned as they whispered mean comments about me, I could almost hear the frog girl complain about my scar, or the tape guy muttering about my weight.

Obviously, I know it's most probably in my head, but who knows.
My dad told me I should never trust or open up to people anyways, it's against the rules.
But now adays- everything is against the rules; the way I dress, talk or even walk.

Sighing, I made my way to my assigned seat at the back of the classroom. I sat beside this girl, she had inky black hair worn in a tight pony tail She too, smiled towards me, however, I didn't return the gesture.

The rest of the class seemed to be paying attention to the teachers consistent blabbering, though, my eyes seemed to be drawn to this loud blond male.

I dont know why, he seems like an intresting kid despite his feet on the desk or continuous remarks during the lesson.
He mainly interrupted when this smart green haired boy placed his hand up, refering to him as Deku. Therefore, I either assume that It's his nickname or birth name, although, the taller male seemed to say it in Spite rather than encouragement.

But what do I know? I don't know the first step about people who are my age...maybe it's normal.

I was supposed to start UA the same time as everyone else, that's why they saved the spot for me instead of handing it over to other worthy teenagers. But coincidentally, I was in hospital when it began so I was unable to take part.

Dont ask me why I was in hospital.
If I tell you, i'll be breaking another rule.
I sighed softly, leaning my head on the desk in boredom.

Its tiring constantly putting up a fake act every day.
An even more exhausting if I dont get enough sleep while doing it.

So leaning on my hand, gave into slumber, the morning sun beaming onto the left side of my face.

The left side that I cannot bear to look at.
The left side that has caused my mother and siblings great pain, also to myself.

I frowned.
I hate it when my mind wanders towards these bad thoughts....or should I say memories?

I sighed as I solemnly gazed towards the clock, turns out I did end up sleeping - so did the teacher.

Because it was now ten to three and the whole class packing up.
I painfully packed up as the older make barged into me.

"Oi! Watch it."

I shrugged my shoulders in annoyance, mumbling to myself as I swiftly shifted my bag loosely onto my shoulders, I

Great, now I have to go home. Oh well, look on the bright side. At least I got some sleep!!

<655 words>

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