part 1

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My name is y/n stark I'm 17 and I am the daughter of tony stark.
I know what your thinking that's awsome you probably get to do tons of things with him, actually it's quite the opposite, we barely spend time together after all we are always saving the world or he is working on iron man suits, but I get to hang out with everyone else here. I mostly hangout with Peter cause he is my age and we go to the same school but I get along with bruce steve and thor more than I do peter.

Thor is like a big brother to me he always looks out for me. Bruce is more like my awesome science friend, he helps me with my science and math home since tony never does bruce just is amazed that I'm in college science, sometimes I help him with his experiments as well. Steve and me have a really close relationship, he helps me train and he helps cheer me up when I have nightmares, or just rough days.

Everyone had went out on a mission, almost all everyone went except me thor bruce, and bucky. Even tho bucky could have went hydra was still looking for him so it would have been a big risk, Thor stayed behind because he had to keep an eye on his brother loki, but me I wasn't assigned to the mission, I dont know why but at least I get to spend time with james and maybe actually see loki.

Even though tony doesn't want me to go on missions I still go on some. Loki Usually stays in his room and reads. Bruce was mind controlled as the hulk on the last mission so he wanted to stay behind and recover. Bruce was on the couch reading. thor in the kitchen eating an apple. Bucky was in the training room practicing. I was sitting next to bruce trying not to fall asleep. Thor walked over to the hall way to the stairs that led to the roof. "Y/n were u able to sleep last night" bruce said concerned. "Uh no not really" I yawned lightly "night terrors again "he sounded surprised,I nodded. "I'm okay" I said lightly. He looked at me unsure

I dont blame him to sound surprised they have been more frequent this week that I've had them I dont know how steve has been able to go on missions he has been worried about alot cause of my not sleeping he insists that he stays in my room for comfort reasons, but I dont want him not sleeping too. Bruce put his book down and looked at me" that's the fourth time this week you dont look okay you need some rest" he stood up and held his hand out "what are you doing" I asked confused " uh well you need some sleep and I'm taking you to your room" he stepped back. "Bruce I'm fine " I persisted. he sighed. " okay but it won't be my fault if you cant stay awake in school tomorrow" he plopped down on the couch then yawned "look. Who's talking" I crossed my arms and looked at him "what, it was just a yawn and it's early" he said in defense

"Sure" I poked him he laughed " okay I may be a little tired from a late night in the lab but, that's no excuse for you to pick on me" he poked me back and laughed. "Oh so now the truth comes out" I laughed, then he laughed " well I think you helped me get my mind off of yesterday " he smiled "well it's nice to see to smile instead of sad and gloomy " I laughed to myself "gloomy" he chuckled "yes sometimes your gloomy and all alone in your lab " I giggled "I guess you have uh a point sometimes, I get caught up into my work and I forget to take care of myself sometimes" he scratched his neck. "Well you know if you dont want to be alone while u work I'm here to help" I smiled "uh thanks" he smiled nervously. He picked up his book and started reading he then yawned so did I. He chuckled "so what're you reading" I looked over his shoulder
"Oh uh" he put his thumb on one if the pages and closed it so I could see the cover. It read the mysterious island by jules vern. " you might laugh at me but I used to think uh this place was real when I was little " he said and reopened the book. "Really,so did I" I paused. "Really" he smiled lightly and looked at me. "Yeah actually when I read it I was just so interested in the story and the place that I wanted to go there or somewhere like it" I chuckled "yeah when my father read it to me for the first time I loved it so much I had to buy the other books and I loved them ever since" he laughed to himself. " I actually I think one time I was jules vern for Halloween" he laughed "you were!?" I giggled. He looked down then back at me "it was a terrible costume not too  detailed, I wore a white button up shirt khaki shorts and I carried some of the books with me corse the shirt was my father's" he chuckled "but you probably had the best costume" I poked his shoulder and smiled "no actually the best costume was a uh gremlin I think I dont know but almost every one at one time" he laughed. "I think I still might have my book hold on" I got up and ran to my room I walked in and yep there it is on my nightstand I grabbed it and ran. Back then walked over to the couch and plopped down. "Uh what page are you on" he asked "um I think onehundred four" I opened my book "yep 104" I looked at him. "That's funny I'm uh on 104 in the middle" he scratched the back of his head. "The middle, I'm in the middle" I said shocked "okay this iis weird " he chuckled nervously. "Yeah" I was confused.How were we both at the same page same spot? "So um do you want to read together"he asked nervous. "Sure" I started to open my book but he put his hand on my book " we could uh read out of my book if uh you want I mean you dont have to-" he rambled. I could tell he was nervous "bruce it's fine " I smiled

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